0hlov3:apple::endeavouros_logo: 0hlov3@gts.fsociety.social

Open on gts.fsociety.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.


C-onner @conner@social.c-onner.de

mein name ist "Conner"

Liebe #Musik & bin 18 Jahre Alt.

Interessen: Cybersecurity, Datenschutz, FOSS, Privacy by design, Fahrrad, Umwelt, Menschen & vor allem Menschlichkeit.

Nutze #Android & #Linux :tux: außerdem habe ich einen Kleinen Blog ( Wird nach Lust und Laune Betrieben 😁 )
Mag #Server & Administrieren

Dislaimer: c-onr.de -> Selfhosted privacy friendly Url Shorter, damit werden nur anonyme klickzahlen erfasst :D

#fucknzs #AfDisteinfachzumKotzen

let name: &str = "Bryn"; :term_cursor: @bryn@firefish.lgbt

​:verifiedtrans:​ ​:verifiedbi:​ ​:verifiedpolyam_tricolor:​

Mid-20s bisexual trans girl in PGH. Relationship anarchist and just general anarchist.

​:heart_autism:​ #ActuallyAutistic and only now coming to terms with what that means for me.

​:apusheencomputer:​ Freelance web and game dev in training, trying to learn Rust but I haven't really made anything yet. Semi-competent with Kotlin and Scala, decent with HTML/CSS/JS.

​:debian_logo:​ Debian (testing branch) user, avid proponent of free/open-source software.

​:boost_ok:​ Boosts are appreciated, and my DMs are open if you wanna say hi. Interact with me! ^^

​:NSFW_Stamp:​ See my pinned post for a disclaimer on NSFW content!

Hiker @Hiker@social.fedcast.ch

Admin der Instanz https://social.fedcast.ch
Seit fast 8 Jahren mit eigener Instanz im #Fediverse, begonnen mit #Statusnet und #GnuSocial
-> Auf dieser #Pleroma Instanz leider keine Registrierung möglich
Themen u.v.a.: #natur #tiere #berge #wandern #fotografie #musik #klassik #nobot #notroety
Mit weiteren eigenen anderen Plattformen wie #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Calckey, #Diaspora, Mastodon, #Writefreely u.a. im #Fediverse
Sprachen: de, fr, en

Moanos @moanos@chaos.social

25 | Tübingen | Medical Engineering + Neuroscience + Medical Informatics | :bisexual_flag: | Contact: @moanos:hyteck.de

Lemmy @LemmyDev@mastodon.social

Updates about the Lemmy Project

Account is not actively monitored, use Matrix for support: https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-space:matrix.org

grmbl @spAEng@chaos.social

arts, crafts & nerdism/diy/„neozapatism“sexta/hehim/"baumarktlover“/kaffeekippekacken/penNpapergames/gayimsinnevongehdochwählen&moreakamoareschubladisplz🥂🦑🏴🏴‍☠️🐜

🇩🇪 くら Woomy :disconnecting: @kura@z0ne.social

Fluent in 🇩🇪, 🇺🇸, ​:csharp:​, ​:golang:​, ​:rust:​ and ​:sarcasm:​. Professional developer and enthusiastic Gamer.

Ask me about my socks
I use Gentoo, Artix and Arch btw.

Gaming: Minecraft, Final Fantasy XIV (Vanthia Orcus on Cerberus), Atelier Series
Anime: widespread, mostly action, fantasy or isekai. Yes.

Pronouns: I don't care much, as long as you use one of the 2 classical binary ones. Also I dislike they/them if you refer to me. Thanks for your understanding


Fredrik slightly @enzanto@snabelen.no

Interesse for esport, Linux og Kubernetes

ch3rr1 🍒 @ch3rr1@troet.cafe

die Zählerin der Tage
sehr glücklich vergeben
Oberpfälzer Moidl Lvl 36
nicht mehr ganz alleinerziehend mit einer Minikirsche Lvl 6 🍒
Coffeeaddicted ☕
Königin der Taschentuchboxen 📤
♥️ 🍒 Kirsche liebt Banane 🍌♥️

Erik Uden => ErikUden@mastodon.de @Erik@social.uden.ai

Member of the Fediverse
Decentralize or Die! #smallweb
Open Source is a Human Right!

Socialize the Social Network for the Sake of All!

Born at 375.64 ppm | He/Him

Catty Girlie :verified_trans: @butterkitty@hachyderm.io

I'm a #trans Senior DevOPS engineer, SRE, Security Engineer, Support Engineer, technophile, cat girl bimbo that loves pretty and cute things!

#tech #devops #clothes #catgirl #cute #space #linux #lgbt #makup

Falk @FalkFischer@mastodon.online

Connecting dots between culture and technology | Simplification | Productizing | Flow | Working at VMware
Tweets are my own