
Open on

#ActuallyAutistic, queer, fighting depression and PTSD since 1999. Loves to spread compassion and kindness. Geek. Nature lover.
Müde Aktion. EDS 🦓 and a collection of other physical illnesses.

Please refrain from unsolicited advice. If I want advice I will ask for it.
I write about mental health, trauma, depression and violence from my own perspective as a survivor.

I use and require Content Warnings. If I ever forget to add a Content Warning you would have needed please tell me.
No terfs!


nocci - old & backup account

playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn

| no fascism | no racism |


25 | very Bi | Syadmin/DevOps but thinks he's a programmer | FOSS trying not to be a bro

Admin of this instance. Send a DM if you want to join the gay pirate assassin squad :sloth:


Awareness-Team der #GPN. Also known as CARE (Chaos Awareness Response Entropians).
Während der GPN kannst du dich bei uns melden, wenn du reden möchtest. Über Diskriminierung, Grenzüberschreitung, Konflikte, Emotionen, ... Am besten über DECT oder Mail (Server-Admins können bei Mastodon DMs prinzipiell mitlesen)
During GPN you can contact us if you want to talk. About discrimination, transgressions, conflicts, emotions, ... Best via DECT or email (server admins can read DMs on Mastodon in principle).


You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.

I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.


You love programming during the night while eating Gulasch?

The GPN21 will take place from 8. to 11. June 2023 in Karlsruhe!