Leisureguy Leisureguy@mstdn.ca

Open on mstdn.ca

Retired. Interests include: cooking whole-food plant-based (incl. fermenting veggies & making tempeh), blogging, shaving (old-school), reading, Go (baduk), Nordic walking, movies, observing, learning, & old jazz.


Mastodon for beginners: https://leisureguy.wordpress.com/2022/11/09/mastadon-fediverse/

My posts here:

#cooking #wfpb #fermentVegetables #tempeh #wetshaving #books #go #movies #jazz #fedi22


captnc @captnc@go.else.social

Also dog friend, fedinerd, musician, nature- and eco-obsessed, and lawyer type.

Robin @robin@magpie.rockgeeks.net

I love playing outside, daydreaming, joking and laughing loudly, reading science fiction with a cat on my lap, cooking and eating vegetarian food, geeking out on space and robots, seeing photos of animals and nature, and learning interesting things from my Fedi-friends. Eastern California, USA; she/her