Wyvern's Dollhouse WyvernDollhouse@glaceon.social

Open on glaceon.social

We are the Dolls and Witches of the Wyvern system, exploring our Empty Spaces. We will be posting our writings here, and we invite you to enjoy the hospitality of our creativity.

Non-Doll Writings may also be posted, and we indicate the primary author in parentheses.

As an Empty Spaces account, material inappropriate for minors may be posted, we therefore request that no readers under the age of 18 years follow us.


:swordhalo: ijo pi sewi suno :witchhat: @dawn@gts.emptydoll.house

the doll that holds the key; the witch that speaks the door into the world; the angel who steps through it. @viscountexx's kidnapper

#EmptySpaces #NotAPerson

(traumaqueer witchery and kink content. heed CWs and take care of your mental health. i am an admin of this instance but am not speaking as one here.)