Anant Shrivastava aka anantshri

Open on

Researcher | Trainer | Security Professional | Developer | Admin

I talk about #linux, #Security, #infosec, #android, #androidsecurity, #PKM and a lot more.

My Website :
I blog @
My talks are available @

My community

:linux: :debian: :ubuntu: :vim: :wordpress: :macos: :terminal: :python: :android: :fediverse: :mate: :obsidian: :pi:



Saumil Shah 🇮🇳

Hacker. Speaker. Trainer. Entrepreneur. Traveler. Photographer. Calligrapher. Kite-flyer. Rebel. Made in India 🇮🇳 (vi/vim)


Aldrin Jenson

Passionate Software Developer

Jasmine Jackson

Founder and Executive Director T-ATP | Adjunct Professor - City University of Seattle | Education Strategist | Intersection of #cybereducation, #edtech, and #educationpolicy | Education Lead Biohacking Village | #educationresearch #STEM #STEAM

Boris Mann

Web tinkerer. Building my #SecondBrain on the web for 20+ years, from blogging to wikis to TFTs and beyond.

Believer in #OpenSource #DWeb Commons Networks

#TiddlyWiki for my FoodWiki

#LogSeq for my public notes

Waiting to start building the #Noosphere with #Subconscious

Anant Shrivastava

Self hoster since 2007.
I mostly tweet @anant

সঙ্কর্ষণ | sankarshan

Husband, friend, reader and an all round nice guy. nil volentibus arduum

Toran Shaw

Creative Writing student with the Open University. Researcher on productivity, well-being and emerging technologies. Linguistics enthusiast. Dabbler in web design and learning to code.

Brentford FC supporter. Linux user. Non-conformist, Quaker UU. Bi-ace. Otaku. I'm also an Ealing Commoner who's now living in Somerset.

Anant Shrivastava

Ian Campbell

Security ops engineer, writer, voracious reader. he/him. Opinions here mine only. Autistic/depressed/anxious/hungry.

#solarpunk noob, #infosec #cybersecurity #privacy #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent

Doug Mohney

Writing about #space #it #space + #it #broadband #fiber #satellite #iot and whatever else strikes my fancy.

Pirate Bady

A hobbyist coder