
Open on

Awareness-Team der #GPN. Also known as CARE (Chaos Awareness Response Entropians).
Während der GPN kannst du dich bei uns melden, wenn du reden möchtest. Über Diskriminierung, Grenzüberschreitung, Konflikte, Emotionen, ... Am besten über DECT oder Mail (Server-Admins können bei Mastodon DMs prinzipiell mitlesen)
During GPN you can contact us if you want to talk. About discrimination, transgressions, conflicts, emotions, ... Best via DECT or email (server admins can read DMs on Mastodon in principle).


Sammy 🐾

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
​:symbol_otherkin:​ ​:anarchy:​ ​:trans_furr_white:​ ​:vegan:​ ​:heart_nb:​

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (
especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.



Black Lives Matter.
Trans rights are human rights.
White, cis & bisexual.
Algorithms, Bias & Inequality.
"hochgradig informativ und beunruhigend".
Alignment: chaotic evil-scoda.
Certified Not Normal™️ (ADHD).
Nerd of All Trades.
Profile pic by leah.


Occasionally creates interactive experiments and graphic demos, builds pinhole-📷, reads SF novels.
 Art history + computer science background
Currently uses SwiftUI at work otherwise experienced with web/js stuff.


may contain mental/physical health rants (with cw). please mute/block generously if my content negatively affects you. 🙂

i love crows and fish 🖤
#actuallyAutistic, inter*, #fpld

mae (but alt)

transfem, notorious announcementposter, :maxwell_cat:, twains, linux, obsessed with the flexity wien
:blobhaj_holding_transgender_flag:​ :blobhaj_holding_pan_flag:​:blobhaj_holding_neurodiversity_flag:​
boosts ok unless specified otherwise
private acc: @privmae


agender | vegan | antifascist | intersectional feminist | relationship anarchist

Only follow if we know each other (i.e., I know who you are).


Laniakea, Milky Way, Solar System, Earth, Karlsruhe, @space



Desi guy in Köln and/or Frankfurt, Europe. Likes food, places, community, music, mopeds, trains, activism, repair, cyberpunk, secure computing, Minidisc, memes, puns and being nice to one another. Antifascist, anticapitalist. he/him.

Please send me your favourite Drum’n’Bass track!


Head in the Clouds, toes under a barbell. "Das ist nicht meine beste Idee, nur meine erste." #NeurodiverseSquad


25 | Tübingen | Medical Engineering + Neuroscience + Medical Informatics | :bisexual_flag: | Contact:

golden retriever barbie

:agender_flag: :bisexual_flag:

white, in their 20s, polyam, queer, bisexual lesbian, ace-spec, slut. horny on main. anarchist. flirting is okay. 💜

the domme puppygirl you’ve been warned about. senior big spoon engineer.

I’m part of the admin team at, feel free to request an invite!

polycule: :snow_leopard: @Laripopari and :awoo: @vivien

„menschliches Körbchen“ ~ @Laripopari
„great regex deity" ~ @vivien
"we felt very comfortable with you" ~ @laura_fae


18yo 🎂
Gay af 💅

CCC Freiburg

Chaos Computer Club Freiburg. Wir treffen uns in regelmäßigen Abständen in unserem Hackspace. #CCC #Freiburg - der Account wird wie andere auch von einzelnen Personen bespielt.