Ced Ledesma cedled@fediverse.blog
Ced Ledesma @cedled@fosstodon.org
Prefers GNU/Linux. Maintains a home lab of SBCs, using Debian (RPiOS, Armbian) and Docker.
Urban cyclist, likes fountain pens, analog watches, and animal companions (esp. cats).
Always puts the toilet seat back down.
(Header photo: A tortoiseshell cat staring at the camera.)
Ced ᴸᶦᵛᵉ @cedled@evil.social
Urban cyclist, likes fountain pens, analog watches, and animal companions (esp. cats).
[Avatar pic: Cat looking at the cam on the foreground, and a hooman in the background]
rosydam @rosydam@plume.pullopen.xyz
Zindswini @Zindswini@noc.social
Rajat Lohia @admin@pettite.win
Hey there! I’m a young guy fueled by an insatiable passion for all things tech and open source. From the moment I got my hands on a computer, I knew I had found my calling.
mrvn @zvati@c.wtf
robinslave @ivantux@plume.otakufarms.com
✝ Christian
🤖 Computer Science
🐧 Linux enthusiast
😎👌 Memes
🇲🇽 Mexican
(^u^) Animations
🔢 Math
🗯 Comics
Interested in the Fediverse
🇺🇸/🇲🇽 EN, ES
I consider myself a conservative person without being close-minded and I don’t like hatred/violence.
I try to improve myself.
Always looking for interesting freelance projects.
yo siempre quise tener un blog a la vieja escuela (basado en texto como lo fue en su momento Blogger) y como no fue mi época para ser bloguero en ese momento y ya pasó de moda, quiero intentar crear uno.
I always wanted to have an old school blog (text based like Blogger was back in the day) and since it wasn’t my time to be a blogger at that moment and it’s gone out of fashion, I want to try to create one.
Poggers @poggers@mastodon.cesium.pw
Baby Yoda fan and Star Wars in general
Matthew @picard@firefish.social
Just kind of trying out this place.
Jim Hodgson @i@thefire.work
mrvn @zvati@mas.to
small-town idiota
Ced ᴸᴱᴰ @cedled@firefish.social
Urban cyclist, likes fountain pens, analog watches, and animal companions (esp. cats).
[Avatar pic: Cat looking at the cam on the foreground, and a hooman in the background]