hansenerd cg@gts.zknt.org

Open on gts.zknt.org

syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

mail: cg@zknt.org
xmpp: cg@zknt.org
matrix: @cg:zknt.org
fedi: @cg

• I'm also @tercean
• running pixelfed.de for fun and no profit


raa @raa@chaos.social

Danu @B3r6ur@chaos.social

Autistisch, Maker of things, ccc-nah, Künstler*in. Realitätsnah. I dont speak human, inter, trans, nonbinary, cross sleeved, non-human, weiß, behindert

chris@strafpla.net @chris@mstdn.strafpla.net

„Guten Abend, wir sinken, darf ich mich setzen?“


Francis Augusto 🇳🇴/🇧🇷/:bahia: @francis@mastodon.babb.no

Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay

I am a Norwegian/Brazilian IT Engineer (and an ex-lawyer).

I am a member of the Green Party (MDG) in Norway, though personally I am a bit further left in the political spectrum. I don't know if I should try to fix the world or start a new Kubernetes cluster.
My interests are:

- IT
- Politics
- #apple
- #coding
- #linux
- #running
- #sourdough bread baking
- #vegan
- #virtualization
- #glaucoma

Aaaand I started https://mastodon.babb.no.

Antje @uschebit@chaos.social

Geek. Hat Meisen. Macht was mit IT.
Kommunikativ herausgefordert, immunkompromittiert und momentan noch stärker sozial zurückgezogen als sonst.

Folgt nicht automatisch zurück (bitte nicht persönlich nehmen).

Meisenvideos auf @antje.

Tanuva @tanuva@chaos.social

Explainer of things for fork(). Tamer of computers. Capturer of photons. Banger of heads. Finder of geocaches. Digger of holes on the beach. He/him.
#photography #programming #Prinzessinnenjunge #mecfs

rixx @rixx@chaos.social

pretalx▪️Python/Django/vue.js▪Three Django projects in a trench coat▪he/him

Admin here. Please report instead of DMing.

Raphael @rami@chaos.social

I build things for Android, Linux and the web, e.g. pretix.eu, venueless.org, opac.app or abiapp.net. Active part of MRMCD and CCC. he/him

kadse :nonbinary_flag: @kadse@chaos.social

Meow. I like cats and am a cat. Linux, Computers, Chaos, Sharks, Languages, Trains, Travels. :nonbinary_flag: :trans_flag:

vollkorn @vollkorn@chaos.social

Software Security - CCC - Cooking

marble @marble@chaos.social

embedded hardware and software engineer (both directions)
dome owner

I do not represent my past, present or future employer

bilbo_b @bilbo_b@chaos.social

🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈 Chaos Computer Club, renewable energy, e-mobility, storage, home automation, Moto Guzzi California