d12n ⁂ d12n@fed.leiden.digital

Open on fed.leiden.digital

d12n Research Cluster @ Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (NL) • Digit(al)ization of culture, society, and scholarship • d12n.leiden.edu


Vita @anthropologist@mastodon.social

Research Associate in the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London. Political anthropologist. Co-convenor of Anthropology of Surveillance Network.

Jaap-Henk Hoepman (@xot) @xot@someone.elses.computer

Visiting Professor Karlstad University. Associate professor privacy enhancing protocols and privacy by design at Radboud University Nijmegen. IT in the context of the law at University of Groningen. Privacy Engineering Boffin.

Author of "Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths. Achieving Privacy through Careful Design."MIT Press, October 2021. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/privacy-hard-and-seven-other-myths

Timothy Elfenbein @timelfen@assemblag.es

Principal of Forthcoming LLC, a publishing consultancy; Researcher & practitioner of scholarly #publishing & #ScholarlyCommunication; Digital explorer–analog #sailor; @timelfen on Twitter; typos & grammatical mistakes are an expression of my humanity. tfr

Aldo de Moor @ademoor@mastodon.social

PhD, owner CommunitySense - for working communities; idea whisperer, process weaver, collaboration cartographer; unlocking Internet power for social change

Jo Kroese @jo@cybre.space

I run Radical Data 🥼 · I am a Landecker Fellow researching technology and democracy 💭 · I make dance music with code 🔊 · they/them 🌈

Netopia EU @netopia@eupolicy.social

Web publication & idea forum based in Brussels, discussing the future of the internet from a broad perspective on society's digital evolution. / Also @ https://twitter.com/NetopiaEu

Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern@saturation.social

faculty, media studies + art history @penn (formerly @thenewschool). architecture, archives, cities, infrastructure, libraries, maps, sound++

btw philadelphia + nyc

imgs: karel martens; aurelian debat

David Carroll @profcarroll@federate.social

Associate Professor of #MediaDesign at #Parsons School of Design at #TheNewSchool and subject of #TheGreatHack doc on #Netflix for suing #CambridgeAnalytica to recover my data in the UK. #DataRights

Boardmember of Check My Ads Institute, Real Facebook Oversight Board, #FairDataFuture Council

Formerly at https://mastodon.social/@profcarroll
Admin of https://federate.social
@davidcarroll.org on #Bluesky
#fedi22 #searchable
:verified: :boost_ok: :he_him:

Adam Kotsko @adamkotsko@zirk.us

Adam Kotsko teaches in the Shimer Great Books School of North Central College in Illinois. He is the author of Neoliberalism's Demons, among other works, and the translator of many works by Giorgio Agamben. He lives in Chicago with his partner (here named My Esteemed Partner) and the objectively cutest dog on earth.

(Opinions posted here do not represent my employer.)

Sara (Meg) Davis @saralmdavis@ohai.social

Principal investigator, Digital Health & Rights Project, Graduate Institute. Book - The Uncounted: Politics of Data in Global Health. https://www.graduateinstitute.ch/DigitalHealth-Rights

Kerim 傅可恩 @kerim@mastodon.xyz

NOTE: I am moving to @kerim

Taiwan-based anthropologist. 人類學家與台灣新住民。

Lauren Klein @laurenfklein@dair-community.social

Digital humanities, data science, cycling, eating, associate professor of English and Quantitative Theory & Methods at Emory. Co-author #DataFeminism. She/her.