dave dave@rascalking.com

Open on rascalking.com

software developer, usually web and infrastructure stuff. currently at the mit media lab.

devourer of sff in books or on the screen, lover of heist stories. boston sports fan. clean energy enthusiast.



i hate having emotions about reality; i'd much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon.

previously @rascalking@octodon.social.



Silvio Salierno @salierno@mastodon.social

I move bits around, mostly on Apple devices. My Views are structs.

cope @thecope@mastodon.social

Goddessdeeva @goddessdeeva@toot.community

Autistic, disabled writer and PhD candidate living on a mountain in Wales. Sex positive, feminist, bisexual, trans rights are human rights. One husband, 2 cats. Loves ribs.

Ruby Jones @RubyJones@smutlandia.com

I write weird fiction. Sexy weird fiction.

🔞#Erotica 🤖#Robots, 🧜‍♀️#mermaids, 🐙#tentacles,🤯#MindControl, 🍆#omegaverse & more! 🔞

I'm also chronically ill and non-binary.

My android erotic novella, An Unexpected Attachment, is out now from Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0BN27Q1Y9/​
And beyond: https://books2read.com/u/bxJl2l​


Here for sexy stuff, but not flirty stuff, sorry.

Please no unsolicited advice.

Ankita0022 @Ankita0022@mastodon.social

Be you

Wigley @SaucyWiggles@mastodon.mit.edu

I'm here to funpost

Brooke Binkowski @brooklynmarie@mastodon.social

Debunker, journalist, shitposter, Tlönista. Former fun girl turned weird plant, book, cat, dragon lady. Chaotic good lovable rogue, generally friendly, mostly harmless. Managing editor @TruthOrFiction

Profile photo shows me, a smiling white woman with long light brown hair and brown eyes, sitting on a couch, surrounded by plants, with a grey and white cat on my lap with an absurd expression on his face. Header photo is an image of a sunset. (Both taken by me.)

Tim Hergert @Cjust@noc.social

I do stuff, I have opinions.
#fedi22 #infosec #shitposter #captainjustice

paul vixie @mibh@fosstodon.org

did some things about anti-spam, internet exchanges, open source software, dns, and internet security. at aws security as of 2022.

best you not try to follow me until you have a profile that i can evaluate. the trolls who wreck things are on their way, and some will arrive in the fediverse under cover of expansion. don't look like them.

Paul Jackson @Paul_Jackson@mastodon.social

A software engineer by day who's interested in all things #RetroComputing
#RetroGaming #Amiga #Gaming #Photography #MusicProduction and of course #CatsOfMastodon

Technotramp @technotramp@mastodon.social

Art & music


Naomi Ceder @naomiceder@mastodon.art

Past chair of Python Software Foundation, #Python programming, messing with art (both analog and digital).
Founder of Trans*Code
English, #español e #português.

No follows back without a some bio information and/or an intro tweet.