d1 decentral1se@gts.varia.zone

Open on gts.varia.zone

Broadcasting from Rotterdam, NL 📶 Irish.

Some interests: community organising, p2p systems, permacomputing, gardening, co-operatives, skateboarding, free software, golang programming, community wireless networks and experimental publishing 🤓

Feel free to DM me for a chat. Down to meet fellow fedizens IRL ✨

My avatar image was lifted from https://www.are.na/trav-fryer and the header from https://www.are.na/fletcher-bach/outdoor-computing-club 😍 I am forever grateful for the tireless are.na energy of @Trav!

I post in dutch sometimes, sorry in advance for my awful grammar native speakers 😁


Denman Rooke @denmanrooke@social.coop

Illustrator, Art Director, & Concept Artist.

Artist/Owner at studio RÚCACH working with Sumo Digital, Magic the Gathering, and Dungeons & Dragons.

I made a tarot card battle game: https://BattleOfTarot.com

Activist with People Before Profit https://www.pbp.ie & Game Workers Unite Ireland https://gwuireland.org
Ireland & politics based content found on https://mastodon.ie/@denmanrooke

Interests include #GameDev #BoardGames #pico8 #OpenSource #FOSS #Coop #JoinAUnion #Socialism #EcoSocialism

...the heck?!!!??! 🍉 @theheck@fosstodon.org

On the fediverse since 2018.

"But I can tell you: live those dreams, play with them, build altars to them. It is not yet the ideal but it points in the right direction. Whether you and I and a few others will renew the world someday remains to be seen. But within ourselves we must renew it each day, otherwise we just aren't serious ... You aren't allowed to be afraid of anything, you can't consider prohibited anything that the soul desires."
- Herman Hesse, 'Demian'

Eelco Maljaars ⚜️🇳🇱 🇪🇺 @Eelcom@mastodon.nl

Family life, Devops, IT security, automate all the things, Open Source, Apple #apple #debian #zorinos #redhat #oss #devops #k8s #watermanagement #security #rijkswaterstaat

Calafou @calafou@systerserver.town

Un espai per la innovació social, tecnològica i política basada en l'autoresponsabilitat i la cooperació a Vallbona d'Anoia, Catalunya.

A place for social, technological and political innovation based on cooperation and self-responsibility at Vallbona d'Anoia, Catalunya.

#autonomy #community #sustainability, #freesoftware #feminism #ecoindustrial #linux #tech #fedi22

wakest ⁂ @liaizon@social.wake.st

I am in #Berlin for a month and would love to meet with anyone who reads this message!

Alberto Daniel Hill @ADanielHill@mastodon.social

1st #HACKER sent to #PRISON in #URUGUAY: http://darknetdiaries.com/episode/25

Advocate @hacknotcrime

My books: http://amzn.to/3NWZuQq


three word chant @3wordchant@social.coop

worker-owner at Autonomic Co-operative (https://autonomic.zone / @autonomic) ❧ co-initiator of Co-op Cloud (https://coopcloud.tech / @coopcloud)

#LibreSoftware #Cooperatives

Saul Shanabrook @saul@social.coop

🏡 Greenfield, MA
💕 Coops // Open Source // Math // Dance

ginger coons @ossington@mastodon.xyz

Researcher/social science/art-type. Heart still in F/LOSS design. Tries to be funny but isn't. Will parse sociotechnical issues for food

Carmen Bianca BAKKER @carmenbianca@todon.eu

#Cooperator @ Coop IT Easy in #Brussels, @fsfe board member, author of #REUSE.software

I love #FreeSoftware, #Vegan, #Esperanto, #Cooperative, #Socialism, #Cycling

DisCO @disco_coop@social.coop

DisCO (Distributed Cooperative Organizations) is an accessible approach to people working together to create value in ways that are co-operative, commons-oriented and rooted in feminist economics. A perfect marriage between technology and humanity, DisCOs systematise nurturing working relationships and ensure that team members support and care for each other.