d1 decentral1se@gts.varia.zone

Open on gts.varia.zone

Broadcasting from Rotterdam, NL 📶 Irish.

Some interests: community organising, p2p systems, permacomputing, gardening, co-operatives, skateboarding, free software, golang programming, community wireless networks and experimental publishing 🤓

Feel free to DM me for a chat. Down to meet fellow fedizens IRL ✨

My avatar image was lifted from https://www.are.na/trav-fryer and the header from https://www.are.na/fletcher-bach/outdoor-computing-club 😍 I am forever grateful for the tireless are.na energy of @Trav!

I post in dutch sometimes, sorry in advance for my awful grammar native speakers 😁


kr1sp1n @kr1sp1n@sunbeam.city

Life-loving, bass-playing, bit-shifting Monkeee.
SSB: @CdbxtxeHwET1HRU5naALgGaX5Q7BdzpyTCf78ZgIaEM=.ed25519

ritawild @ritawild@mastodon.ie

#Irish, #Queer, #Activist, #CommunityEducator. #EthicalFood #WestCork #WearAMask
My header is a chart of temperature change in Ireland in the past 100 years.

tim d (he/him) @doormouse@mastodon.online

competition is boring.

ida bromberg @idabromberg@mastodon.nl

Schrijft en communiceert. Raadslid GroenLinks Amersfoort, portefeuilles oa cultuur, groen en stedelijk beheer. Herstellend van post covid. Neurodivers brein.

Ní Chorra @nichorra@mastodon.ie

My novel Elysian is now available on Amazon.

#Writer #IrishWriter #literature #writingcommunity

Profile picture: head and shoulders profile of a woman scowling in a bonnet and wearing a white t-shirt and dungarees.

Sebastian Wendel @swendel@social.curious.bio

System engineer 👨‍💻, Nature lover 🌿 and self-made biologist 🧫🦠.

d1n037 @d1n037@infosec.exchange

Network engineer and programmer.

Chelsea Thompto @cthompto@tldr.nettime.org


Artist and Assistant Professor of Creative Technologies @ Virginia Tech

Transwoman working at the intersections of art, trans studies, and technology.

aadil @aadil@merveilles.town

Ben Harris-Roxas @ben_hr@old.mermaid.town

Health services researcher and educator living on Dharug Country in Western Sydney, Australia. You can usually find me in the forgotten parts of the web.

I post and boost things I think are important, surprising, or funny.

Please use CWs if you can. I generally won't follow unless you have a detailed profile. Old posts are pruned regularly to encourage new growth. :he_him: :boost_ok:

theblacksquid @theblacksquid@todon.nl

Brilliant. Stupid. Awesome.
Pick two.

:socialiststar: 🛠️ :socialiststar:
He | Him | Comrade