d1 decentral1se@gts.varia.zone

Open on gts.varia.zone

Broadcasting from Rotterdam, NL 📶 Irish.

Some interests: community organising, p2p systems, permacomputing, gardening, co-operatives, skateboarding, free software, golang programming, community wireless networks and experimental publishing 🤓

Feel free to DM me for a chat. Down to meet fellow fedizens IRL ✨

My avatar image was lifted from https://www.are.na/trav-fryer and the header from https://www.are.na/fletcher-bach/outdoor-computing-club 😍 I am forever grateful for the tireless are.na energy of @Trav!

I post in dutch sometimes, sorry in advance for my awful grammar native speakers 😁


Justin Thomas 🛡 @justin@ser.endipito.us

Maker, apprentice philanthrope, unfinished.

#HamRadio @ N2JDT
#vCISO @ https://justinthomas.pro

Research Projects

Previously at Sila, Fastly, Joyent, and Simple Finance.

#FinTech #InfoSec #RustLang #Woodworking #Eurorack #MultiInstrumentalist

Charles U. Farley @freakazoid@retro.social

He/him. Cis. Parent of two elementary school age jids living in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania, USA. Recovering techbro originally from Silicon Valley. Atheist. Hypocritical aspiring anarchist. Boosts = endorsement.

#BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #anarchism #AnarchistParenting #retrocomputing #hamradio #space #climatechange #rust #python

No fascists, #nobot #noarchive #noindex

Jérémie Nuel @jeremienuel@mamot.fr

Graphic design and digital practices. Teach at Esadse.

Powersource @powersource@sunbeam.city

Scuttlebutt developer, among other things

ʙwɑnɑ нoɴoʟʊʟʊ :kverified: @bwana@discordian.social

Ein Haufen Daten ohne Zusammenhang, der aussieht wie ein weißer, halbwegs neurotypischer Allo-dya-cis-het-Mann. (er/he)

Javielico 🌖 @javielico@social.coop

Doing computer things, asking why quite a lot.

signal9 :hackers_town: @signal9@hackers.town

:justified: President, Bavarian Illuminati Motorcycle Club :justified:

Former EFF Tech Trivia Champion

August Knower and Sage of the Tankard; Aging Cyberpunk; Programmer, Hacker, Tabletop Gamer - Neutral Good - Illegitimi non carborundum

LARPing Spaceman, asteroid hermit, happy underground.