d1 decentral1se@gts.varia.zone

Open on gts.varia.zone

Broadcasting from Rotterdam, NL 📶 Irish.

Some interests: community organising, p2p systems, permacomputing, gardening, co-operatives, skateboarding, free software, golang programming, community wireless networks and experimental publishing 🤓

Feel free to DM me for a chat. Down to meet fellow fedizens IRL ✨

My avatar image was lifted from https://www.are.na/trav-fryer and the header from https://www.are.na/fletcher-bach/outdoor-computing-club 😍 I am forever grateful for the tireless are.na energy of @Trav!

I post in dutch sometimes, sorry in advance for my awful grammar native speakers 😁


gwil @gwil@post.lurk.org

Programmer and illustrator. Working full time on Earthstar, a distributed database for small + private networks, and Willow, a general purpose sync protocol.

jara @jxxx@post.lurk.org

tecnociencias trans*feministas • disobedient &/or transtextual action-research • volumetric regimes • digital discomfort • infras antifas • nb✨they/elle

Michiel Nieuwstraten 🔆 @MiNieuw@mastodon.green

Belangrijke mededeling: https://open.spotify.com/track/1cDzVqIYaCTuNNi6bFAetv?si=zam5lYvQSkiix6nCfZ3Myw
Ook belangrijk: https://open.spotify.com/track/2KfjGQ3MjL1PlRsf2xUH5s?si=XbAZRvIUTPWDCjdNgi5CMA&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1E360bRl8QvWa3

Mijn posts verdwijnen automatisch na een maand…

Ik boost toots met afbeeldingen alleen wanneer deze zijn voorzien van alt text.

Alt text headline photo: a velomobile (Quest 260) in mint and dark green (BRG) and chalked with the odo at that time: 57.327 km

Alt text avatar: glass with clear orange drink (crodino) with 2 ice cubes and half a slice of orange seen from above so that it resembles a happy face :D

Tzip @Tzipporah@turtleisland.social

TurtleIsland.social admin

Mvskoke and Jewish artist, photographer, and beader.

Check out my website:

Follow my Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/cvkvlv/

If you'd like to tip a TurtleIsland.social moderator:

#Mvskoke #Indigenous #Native #Jewish #Queer #Neurodivergent #AntiCapitalist #AntiRacist #ProChoice #ClimateJustice #LandBack #Decolonize

Header image by me🙂

janet @janet@todon.nl

biodiversiteit, klimaat, stadsnatuur, permacultuur, landbouw

mensenrechten radicale gelijkwaardigheid, dekolonisatie

Radical Anthropology @RadicalAnthro@c.im

London's longest running evening class, studying What it means to be human. Based at UCL Anthropology dept. We are free to all, on Tues eves term time. Account run by Camilla Power. Radical anthropologists include Chris Knight, Ian Watts, Jerome Lewis and Morna Finnegan
#anthropology #socialanthropology #evolutionaryanthropology #archaeology

We will be back on Sept 19, 2023 for a new series of talks.

Vimeo collection of previous talks

Artist: Diego Rodriguez-Robredo

Job @vanderZwan@vis.social

Wrote the loom viewer at LinnarssonLab, now at Primity Bio. he/they

A like from me usually implies "I would have boosted this but I don't think it's quite appropriate for the instance I'm on".

Profile photo description: a crop of an outdoor group photo, zoomed in on the face of a man of mixed Asian-European ethnicity with black hair, a beard and a moustache, wearing red-tinted color-blindness correcting glasses.

Camilo @camilo@post.lurk.org

arkywarky @arcade@catcatnya.com

gay gay computer gay
white enby AuHD cryptid :>

i like anarchism! and cybernetics! and cybernetic anarchism!

JP @Ontwerpfabriek@mastodon.social

Nieuwsgierig naar #offgrid, #solar / #solarpunk & #coding. Dol op #motorrijden en #sleutelen.

#motorcycle #tinkerer #fedi22

mirsal @mirsal@sunbeam.city

pandimentional technoqueer cypherpunk vegan space pirate unicorn from the future //
cryptohacktivist solokollektiv //
guerilla telecommunist //
the pronoun is they //
sat nam

ॐ लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु

[matrix] @mirsal:1312.media
peertube: https://peertube.1312.media/accounts/mirsal
nextcloud mirsal@oc.1312.media
diaspora* @mirsal@diaspora.1312.media
main @mirsal

Hello lifeform

I am mirsal
I am from the future
I come in peace

Sarah W @Sarahw@mastodon.green

Vegan in France. Planet, animals, music and dancing.
I still love my dog.