tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

Open on

Queer, trans, dev, etc etc.

This my superseriousbusiness account, where I post about :go_to_social: GoToSocial :go_to_social: development etc, and occasionally test things.

Feel free to follow, but if you want official GtS updates, follow @gotosocial instead :)



Hey y’all! I’m a novice #Scuba enthusiast, thus, the ocean pics in my profile. I’m very new to the Fediverse, so please let me know if I go astray! While I’m not a techie, I am always interested in learning more. I’m more of a “clicktronics” kinda girl….I click on things until it fixes the problem or starts to smoke. 🤣 I joined because I believe in #privacy (as much as possible on the web) and I like all of the rules here.

golden retriever barbie

:agender_flag: :bisexual_flag:

white, in their 20s, polyam, queer, bisexual lesbian, ace-spec, slut. horny on main. anarchist. flirting is okay. 💜

the domme puppygirl you’ve been warned about. senior big spoon engineer.

I’m part of the admin team at, feel free to request an invite!

polycule: :snow_leopard: @Laripopari and :awoo: @vivien

„menschliches Körbchen“ ~ @Laripopari
„great regex deity" ~ @vivien
"we felt very comfortable with you" ~ @laura_fae


A German Shepherd dog
Does computers for a living

I block all corporate instances
(some non-profit and co-ops excluded)


#SustainableEnergy Researcher, #PhD student, occasional climber of things. Interested in #OpenSource, #DataScience, #Privacy, and finding ways to not burn our planet down.

📍Graz, Austria/Österreich

P. S. Profile pic is #NotMyDuck


🏳️‍⚧️ 20smth transmasc dude 🏳️‍⚧️
🇫🇷 guy who lives in 🇨🇭
happily soon-to-be married, dad of two cats
neurospicy as heck
tired ancom
energy drink enjoyer
tinkerer of electronics and code
unhealthy love for Critical Role and Taylor Swift

Check pinned toots for more about me.
Not here for growth or anything, I like reading all of my public TL without spending hours on it, here to make friends and interacting, so don't take it personally if I don't accept your follow reqs.
Tell me if things need to be CW-ed.

Most toots get erased after 2 weeks.



Unity in Diversity

she/her white old abl.bod mom ger/eng

love trees, music+dance, bratkartoffeln

Grassroots, DIY, Community Work, Power to the People

depressive realist, survivor, ads/aut?

#Zapatistas #EZLN #Rojava #Jineoloji #Sankara#Decolonize #DebtForClimate #Reparations #EndWhiteSupremacy #NoWhiteFeminism #ProtectTransSW #mosstodon

no intro/bio/toots = no follow

skrlet13 :they: :them:

Hi, i'm skrlet13
Agender, chilean. white.
This is an alt account cause I like ppl here, I'll probably will speak just English here.
I hope i'm harmless.

Scott Leggett :fedi: :golang:

Free software and cloud wrangler. Security Engineer at


Trying to pay attention off-line & on-line, that's my by-line 😉

Living on Boon Wurrung land in Melbourne (Naarm), Australia... shouting out my acknowledgement to the traditional owners of the lands I live on (#alwayswasalwayswillbe).

By day I work as an SDM for ServiceNow, so spend my days in cloudy based tech 🌥 By night I pretend I'm cool by playing bass in a rock cover band 🤘

I also believe in the power of community to drive positive action; community is a verb, so get involved.


Don't mind me.

datMANbooty (he/him)

*A wild creature appears*

Sufficiently non-binary. Moderately bisexual. Passably polyam. Acceptably Autistic.

Makes things with fabric and fiber.

Potentially doing too many different things.

Only send me a follow if we've interacted please


founder and eic of Write Through the Night. freelance journalist of all things #Books #Movies #TVShows #LGBTQ