ghose ⁂ 👣

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🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.

aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.

GL | EN | ES

Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.

Traduzo Software Libre ao #galego.

:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (,



Una excusa para intentar una rutina de escribir historias y hacer dibujillos.

Fɹancisco J Яodríguez Amorín

Para saber daqué más del allunáu, visita la páxina de presentación:


Running. A little cycling. Coffee. Plant based 🌱

soloojos (GotoSocial)

Huertero Anarquista disperso.

Santiago, Chile.

John Doe

Nada, en realidad vengo por aquí por temporadas.

No soy un tipo muy alegre y soy medio tímido, pero soy majísimo.

Sé hacer el cubo de rubik y malabares con cinco pelotas, eso también.


Barefoot running, Triathlon, bikes! (In that order actually). Into general nerd stuff as well (think obscure uses for plaintext, board/card/tabletop games, iOS Shortcuts and Linux).

Vegan btw.

All the photo’s I’m posting are by me (even the bad ones!) Retoots not so much.

Pablo el Peregrino

I'm Pablo. He/his/him/Él. refugee sniffle.

Trilingual English-Español-Català.

I post about my life, pop culture interests, Mariah, Spain, travel, life on the autism spectrum and coping with anxiety and depression.

I resist right-wing fascism like the GOP and PPVOX.

I am happily taken, but my boyfriend hates social media.

Currently in Illinois, Spanish at heart.

Unemployed translator/writer/teacher/Ph.D dropout (recovering academic).

Welcome, bienvenidos, benvinguts, ogni ettori to my world.


I like talking to people about the things that interest them. People are interesting! I pick up heavy things and put them back down, and I run when no one is chasing me. Love #books, #knitting, #outdoors, and #baking. And of course Cats.

Happy to shout virtual moral support in your direction.

Header: a road sign leaning by a tired looking wooden fence in the middle of a hay field.
Profile: assorted stickers on a metal surface


monstro mais de escuridão do que de rutilância, el brasilískur

sinestésico, gosto do estético, mais da música e da literatura, mas também sou pesquisador de interação humano-computador (acessibilidade, design de interfaces, experiência de usuário), abomino boa parte da TI moderna, adoro passarins, me amarro em linguística, me encanto por cartuns, e às vezes arrisco uns joguins pixelados.

:ms_agender_flag: :pansexual_flag:

Ekaitz Zárraga 👹

Engineer. Creator.


I made this once:


Parttime workplace culture nerd, parttime adventurer, fulltime awkward. Dismantling outdated power structures in the workplace:
Guided by curiosity, in search of awe.
I cover long distances on foot ( #ultrarunning & #hiking) and bicycle.
Queer, anti-hustler, queen of naps. Dutch & English. She/her

Roman 🇺🇦

Lives in Kyiv, #Ukraine 🇺🇦
Into #running, #scenictrails 🏃🏻
Technology leadership, management. 👨‍💼
Labrador owner. #dogsofmastadon 🐕
Love cooking. 🍖