Good Law Project [unofficial]

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Kirsten Gibbs

“The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make and could just as easily make differently.” David Graeber.

I think and write about how to radically enable reponsible autonomy in your small team, to make it easy to run, grow, replicate and eventually leave your impact-driven organisation as a lasting legacy.


-Opinionated but open-minded
-Evidence, not weight of opinion.
-Society with individuals, not individuals at the expense of society
-Collaboration is the answer
Big fan of: Kate Rowarth's Doughnut Economics - book or Ted



Just getting started here…

Matt Freestone

Cambridge based, runner, walker, programme manager, maths and coding background (he/him)


Logical scientist. Pattern Language. Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Drupal consultant. Fietser, not cyclist. Windcheetah rider. VW Late Bay owner. Repair Café mender. MMT makes economic sense to me.

Atul Haria

Former environmental scientist: flow in porous media

Alex Renton

Journalist. Print, broadcast, books. Edinburgh.
Now working on legacies of British empire, child abuse in elite institutions - there's some overlap... FRHistS

Peter J Bangert

Genuine anhydrous oxygen dihydride is very difficult to get hold of... but much easier than a truthful Tory

Tony Walsh



Fascinated and horrified by politics, reader, singer, cat owner, swimmer and retired teacher