Good Law Project [unofficial]

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Equality = females having bodily autonomy, not dictated by Tradition, Culture or Religion. Dislike the fixation on labels. #ToriesOut #FBPA DMs get Blocked

Jane Harley

Kiwi in London, NHS therapist so pro NHS, pro Europe, pro political change and pro walking in the mountains or on beaches anytime I can


Election now!
English/Lancs born. Irish descent with the passport to go with it. Now a native of Nottingham and Dunfermline. Dad to a child with severe cerebral palsy and another with autism.
#FBPE #3.5% #PR #DetestToryValues #DetestTories


🔶Full time carer. Ex-RAF. RF Systems Engineer.
Spare time electronics Raspberry_Pi, Arduino.
Supports #RNLI. Loves Marmite, Hates Brexit. Bunny-hugger. #FBPE #MVM #GTTO #CPFC #Rejoin #FBPA #FBPPR #FBNHS #FBR #BLM #ClimateEmergency

Refugee from Twitter - @Amused_Moosey

Stu Moran

Digital bod working with charities and campaigns, web designer, developer, musician and anti-hate speech.

#piano #synths #eurorack #kora #hammereddulcimer #stopfundinghate


Logical scientist. Pattern Language. Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Drupal consultant. Fietser, not cyclist. Windcheetah rider. VW Late Bay owner. Repair Café mender. MMT makes economic sense to me.


Humanist Anti-Monarchy ProNHS Rather iconoclastic.


The world is shades of grey. Prefer a pragmatic approach, left leaning. Anti-Woke types can get in the bin. Labour Party Member

That Clare (she/her)

🏳️‍⚧️ She/Her/T software dev and aspiring musician/singer. Like to chat about tech, music, the 80s and maybe some trans issues too. No longer on twitter :)
If you're interested in my music look me up on Insta or FB - that_clare or that clare or clare shep
I spend my days mostly staring at Visual Studio & SSMS and wondering what I'm doing with my life

Sean Dillon

Anne Green

Giving this place a go and hoping for a gentler form of dialogue than on twitter.

Michelle Donkin