hikari 🌟 (falling into the sky) hikari@social.noyu.me
magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she
this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!
check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/
jen @jen@c.im
gay meowgirl vs computer
avi by @goatakai@twitter.com
aka theonlycrate/exb0t/boygiriswag @twitter.com
Gabbo the wafrn guy :neocat_floof_devil_256: (not a vampire) @gabboman@app.wafrn.net
Gabboman, creator of app.wafrn.net and please stop asking me to produce yaoi for you. He/Him
laburn @laburn@ioc.exchange
Ridley @ WATCH LYCORECO @rcombs@social.treehouse.systems
She/her. SWE at Discord. Why would you think the views expressed here _weren't_ my own?
charlie @bellinitte@merveilles.town
Alone, adrift in the remnants
fnix @fnix@hachyderm.io
m0n @javiermon@mastodon.online
Undefined behavior.
hope's former backup @hope@ambrosia.moe
hi! i'm hope! i'm here to see what sharkey is like! :akko_excited:
Ellavescent ✨ @ellavescent@glitterkitten.co.uk
Disabled trans lesbian. Often found reading a book while my wife works in her orchard or sews me a new dress. Yes, we’re living the cottagecore dream.
Cats. Cats are nice.
Go follow my wife @missnfranchised
pwuxt @pwuxt@mastodon.social
not puppycat @84436@mas.to
I write silly sigils for silicon stuff to secludedly suffer (web, not hardware/embedded). I also aggressively 🔁 a lot of stuff.