hikari 🌟 (🇩🇪 arc) hikari@social.noyu.me

Open on social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/


moralrecordings @moralrecordings@digipres.club

Reverse engineering is good and also for everyone · Macromedia Director team at ScummVM · Occasional presenter at RTRFM · Parkour dunce · Non-binary

canteen @canteen@cijber.social

poly, plural (emoji prefix identified sometimes 🌪️🍭🌊🔥⚡☁️), genderfluid I guess

our core interests are pets, food and videogames. some of us also program or do philosophy, stuff like that.

we let 🍭 write (most of) the blurbs (and the blog!) because it's fun for him and kind of entertaining to us.

☁️ they/them
🔥 she/her
🌪️🍭🌊⚡ he/him

in aggregate they/them


Manawyrm | Sarah @manawyrm@chaos.social


into electronics, old computers, networking, ham radio, etc.


alyssa @qyliss@chaos.social

Jessica🏳️‍🌈 @ticky@slime.global

★ Amy Star ★ @AmyZenunim@unstable.systems

★ star witch ★

★ story weaver / computer toucher / amateur musician / electronics hobbyist / occasional cosplayer / compulsive overthinker ★

★ esoteric anarchist / militant solarpunk / non-pagan / lesbian / plural / autistic ★

★ 東方の愛好家 / 日本語の初心者 ★

★ friend of blåhaj / chuuni rights ★

★ she/her ★

İlteriş Eroğlu @linuxgemini@social.treehouse.systems

making infrastructure go nyoom, i have my own opinions on shit


Simon Racz @simonracz@discuss.systems

Principal Software Engineer / Mathematician, father of a girl and two boys.

I make YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/@simonracz

Genders: ♾️, 🟪⬛🟩; Soni L. @SoniEx2@chaos.social

21+, mostly 18+-focused (CWed). trans, genderqueer and autistic. recovering from addiction.

created Fedi-To: https://fedi-to.net/ (Code of Conduct still a WIP but focused on lived experiences instead of behaviours)

display name emoji sequences refer to autgender, genderqueer respectively.

Mastodon can automatically archive posts with mentions over email. This makes them searchable. We don't use email notifications but many folks do.

just adrienne @adrienne@social.treehouse.systems

"I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."
- Eugene V. Debs

Emily Trau 🏳️‍⚧️ @emilyposting@hachyderm.io

nix type of gay. sometimes i ctf. she/her
📍 melbourne, straya

kouhai, Breaker of Caches @kouhai@social.treehouse.systems

a ~~club~~appreciation society of genderless magical girl kouhais 💙💜✨. (un)official treehouse developer-kouhai and #CatRelDevSecGirlRelOps practitioner. bats and baps around CLs

follow requests OK! see pinned.

English (GenAm) / 中文 (OK).

ace senpairomantic lesbian



#noarchive #nobot #noindex

Avatar: https://pixiv.net/artworks/65184201