hikari 🌟 (🇩🇪 arc) hikari@social.noyu.me

Open on social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/


Tom Walker @tomw@mastodon.social

Web designer/developer. Socialist. I like code, words and mass movements. Jag lär mig #svenska.

Part of the great #TwitterMigration of 2022.

Interested in/may post about #html #css #wordpress #openweb #decentralisation #socialism #protest

DoublyLinkedList<*mut jade> @leftpaddotpy@hachyderm.io

purely dysfunctional programmer, soft and snuggly version; they/she.

notActuallyACat @not@actuallyacat.com

I try to make software that helps other people make their software for expensive computers made of other computers go faster. He/him. Not actually a cat.

Pantsu @Pantsu@berserker.town

My new home, previously seen at weeaboo.space

IT Security Analyst
I like decentralized things, owner of a big metal box that is forced to host cat pictures
すこし日本語 | Swedish | English

Joshua T. Fisher @playmer@social.treehouse.systems

In my spare time gamedev, mostly a core engine person. Avatar By @AC_Flare (twitter) . Work at Microsoft, cohosts(?) are my own.

Dragoon Aethis @dragoonaethis@mstdn.social

outer space

wmoose @wmoose@defcon.social

Foremost Archwizard Megumin @foremostarchwiz@mastodon.social

Software Engineer. 90% man, 10% magical girl. won't leave home without my FFP3 mask. demand clean air. he/him

On Twitter: https://twitter.com/foremostarchwiz


Markus @m42uko@mastodon.social

Geek, love electronics and computers, fan of Japanese culture.

everyone @everyone@mastinator.com

mastinator, free your mind

autumn @autumn@social.treehouse.systems

🌱 uḥéttuc ašera elluda 💚 she/they/he 🍀 20 🍃 en ⭐, de 👍, es 🤏

Juanuwu @Juanuwu@mastodon.social