hikari 🌟 (🇩🇪 arc) hikari@social.noyu.me

Open on social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/


Dragoon Aethis @dragoonaethis@mstdn.social

outer space

Crazy Pony @crazy_pony@rubber.social

Rubberfur and Showpony with more kinky and crazy ideas than you can imagine

eevee (V.42) @evv42@social.restless.systems

Software/Hardware hacker.
Fields of interest include UNIX, Cameras, 90s computers, and pointless uses of advanced technologies.


Álvaro Manjón @alvmanjon@mas.to

22. he/him. Burgos, Spain

Poyu @poyu@poyusbuddy.com

Hi there! Glad to be your buddy!

Photographer, synth nerd, retro tech lover, hardware hacker, maker, and all things technology

Bram Geron @bgeron@hachyderm.io

Rust, product, in 🐻 Berlin.

Chuck Baggett @ChuckBagggett@mastodon.social

Long term Twitter user, recently suspended, as of July 9, 2019. Interests, not areas of expertise: #atheist #anarchist #libertarian #science #tech #space #antiwar #peace #liberty #secondlife #virtualworlds #virtualreality #VR

Morgan @gamingrobot@infosec.exchange

Doing Stuff

Foremost Archwizard Megumin @foremostarchwiz@mastodon.social

Software Engineer. 90% man, 10% magical girl. won't leave home without my FFP3 mask. demand clean air. he/him

On Twitter: https://twitter.com/foremostarchwiz


Tilja Callahan @TiljaCallahan@social.xenofem.me

Gender, queer theory, trans studies, etc. Japanese or English are fine. Northwestern University.


drewler @drewler@mastodon.social

sponge :trans_verify: @sponge@blahaj.zone

Profile picture depicts a beautifully rotund cyndaquil from the pokemon adventures manga.

​:Blobhaj_Heart_Trans:​ she/her ​:Blobhaj_Heart_Trans:​
trans, demisexual, panromantic
autistic and tired
IBS is kicking my ass lmao (if i'm slow to respond or inactive for a bit, that's why)

formerly sponge@kolektiva.social