Homer S. homer77@sozial.ismus.net

Open on sozial.ismus.net

Mein Test-Account für GoToSocial


plomlompom @plom@fedi.plomlompom.com

They/them or plom/plom. Earlier content found at https://status.plomlompom.com/users/plomlompom

Plapperbu:de (PodCast) @Plapperbude@social.tchncs.de

Plapperbude ist ein Blogging- und Podcasting-Projekt, das sich vorwiegend mit emanzipatorischen Themen befassen soll. Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Emanzipation.

ryan harg :antifa: @ryan_harg@chaos.social

#nürnberg #antifa #feminism #cooking - weiß, white - born @ 333 CO2 ppm - Please tell me, if you require specific CWs that I don't use - to DM, please follow first.

steven @steven@gotosocial.stevenrosenberg.net

Steven Rosenberg is experimenting with a self-hosted GoToSocial instance. This ActivityPub-compatible server software runs on computers as small as a Raspberry Pi Zero W, two of which I'm using on this system. Find out more at https://GoToSocial.org.

I am a journalist for the Southern California News Group (LA Daily News, OC Register, Torrance Daily Breeze, Long Beach Press-Telegram and more), but this account has nothing to do with that.

My interests include #programming (#ruby #C++ #database), #music (#jazz #guitar), #gardening #homerepair, large-appliance tinkering and #reading.

I am a husband, father and cat-herder.

My other two #Fediverse #ActivityPub accounts:

Mastodon: @passthejoe

Akkoma: @passthejoe

kabra 🐐 @kabra@social.kalabradas.club

admin here 🐐 (GoToSocial)

herding @cocinha & @horta


Kiki @flauschzelle@chaos.social

Flauschzelle, die: besonders kuschelige Lebensform mit Hang zu Wortspielen und utopischen Ideen. F. sind Herdentiere und neigen zur Bildung von Flauschhaufen.

Juna @irgendwiejuna@chaos.social

Museumspflanze, enthält Spuren von #filmphotography und #Judentum

„Die Gesamtprozedur ist weit entfernt vom agilen Arbeiten”

nocci - old & backup account @nocci@social.fedipost.net

playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn

| no fascism | no racism |

moanos alt @moanos@social.hyteck.de

Alt/Dark account of @moanos:chaos.social. Very queer. Feel free to send follow request but I'll most likely will not accept it unless we follow each other. DMs from everyone welcome

bjo @bjo@social.schafweide.org

#linux #arch #dogcontent #ipv6

hausrecht @hausrecht@sozial.ismus.net

Burt @burt_cokain@subversive.zone

Tell me Burt, why don't you work?
But I do work. I gather sunrays and colors for cold, dark times.

Daloy politsey.