Jasdemi :fediverse: jasdemi@jasdemi.com

Open on jasdemi.com

Michael Seraph @michaelseraph@mastodon.green

I do stuff online occasionally. Not sure how or why to use Mastodon yet, I'll figure it out.

The hashtags:
#veganism #science #technology #environmentalism #books #reading #nonfiction #music #classicalmusic #piano #composition #musictheory #videogames #poetry #dftba #nerdfighteria

Curious about/Would like to learn about:
#socialism #sicencefiction #scifi #microbiology #molecularbiology #howthehelllifeworks?!

MassivelyOP @massivelyop@mastodon.social

Every gamer wants to be Massively Overpowered! MMORPG news and opinions from the indie team at MOP.

jasfed @jasfed@mastodon.berlin

jasfed @jasfed@trpg-o.xyz

Jevan @jevanmoss@mastodon.me.uk


You might know me as Mogster. I post about videogames, comics, films, TV, music, and stuff. I also do the odd Let's Play on YouTube.

I also have a cat and two rabbits, who will no doubt feature heavily on my timeline.


jasfed @jasfed@pkm.social

Caspar Green 👻 @iCaspar@phpc.social

Software Engineer. Mostly #PHP, but any strongly-typed language will do. (So, yeah, :php8:, please. And if you must JS, :typescript:, please.) Not a guru of anything.

I play #EveOnline when I get the chance. Find me in game as Casparius.

Also: Dad things, husband things, "Renegade Baptist" things.

jasfed @jasfed@aethy.com

Wilhelm Arcturus @wilhelm_arcturus@mas.to

Avoiding reality AND Twitter now I guess, but still playing video games. I can get worked up about free speech and similar issues, but I try not to at my age. I had an account here in 2018, but lost it somewhere. Still not sure what I am doing... ever.

jasfed @jasfed@det.social

jasfed @jasfed@uri.life

jasfed @jasfed@pool.social