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Thoughtfulness & compassion.

I run the Scenoptica project, where we share footage, tell stories, make documentaries, and share knowledge on ecology, science, and academia (in English and Bahasa Indonesia).

Quickly: he/him, live in #Indonesia (previously Europe/Africa); enjoy #cinema, #reading, #music, #art, and #games; played #hockey; play #drums; interested in #ecology; love #ferns but other #plants are cool too; #creativecommons member; use #linux & #kde; have a dozen rescue #cats.


Saiful H. -- a.ka s4if

Warga Negara: #Indonesia
Pekerjaan Utama: Guru
Pekerjaan Sampingan: #Programmer
Domisili: #Magelang
Hobi: Ngoprek #Linux
Akun Inggris: @s4if
Akun Backup: @s4if
[ I am searchable by tfr ]

*ps: foto profil diambil sekitar 9 tahun yang lalu.. XD