Jeremy Herve

Open on

WordPress, TV Series, music, kids, and board games. I think that's probably the best way to define me in a few words. 🙂

I work at Automattic on the Jetpack plugin and its infrastructure. You'll consequently find me talking about WordPress things a lot, but also about all things open source in general.

I am French and live in Brittany, so I will post in French from time to time, as well as share pictures of our beautiful Brittany. 🙂

You can also follow my blog on the Fediverse at @jeremy, for more long-form updates.

Pronouns: He/Him


Richard Archambault

Montreal-based project manager and metro map lover at
@transitapp. Creator of MTL == Proud Montrealer, and Mass Transit Lover!

Pseudo Nym

I'm an older geek dad in the California bay area.

Please talk to me about #coffee , #puns , #infosec , #books , #scifi, #ttrpg, or other geeky topics.

I like cheesy 80s pop music, Rush, and GloryHammer. No apologies.

I've discovered #mastocats hash tag, and #mosstodon and #photography and they've all made this a much more humane place.

I like seeing the "slice of life" posts from real people. These kinds of moments are what connects us.

Pronouns: he/him

#Infosec, #nerd, #dad, older #geek.

Rob Hafner :verified_bi:

Most of my posts are about technology or my cats. I am very much concerned about people and communities- I am pro-trans rights, try my best to apply antiracist principles to my life, and strongly believe in worker rights.

* Working in #Tech
* #Infrastructure, of the #computing kind
* Living with #Migraines
* #Cats, especially #BlipTheCat
* #Shitposting
* #ResinArt
* Why capitalism was a mistake
* #Bisexual Poly Drama
* #Chicago

Opinions are my own and do not represent my employer.

Matt Wing

I'm a solarpunk wannabe working on websites, web apps, and D&D campaigns.

Tim Nolte

A Christ-follower, husband, father, and WordPress Dev at Forum One.

#OpenToWork and interested in mission driven work as a #WordPress Developer/Sr. Developer.

Matthew Turland

Partner to @BeeTurland. Parent. Friend.

Former #NewOrleans transplant with #Welsh and #Irish heritage.

Endurer of #depression, #anxiety, and #ChronicFatigue. #MentalHealth advocate.

#SoftwareDeveloper since 2000. Afficianado of #PHP, #JavaScript, #TypeScript, #Node. #ComputerScience, #OpenSource, #OpenAPI, and #Obsidian enthusiast. Sporadic #writer and #speaker.

#Foodie. #Cocktail enthusiast. #Karaoke barfly. Casual #gamer. #TTRPG, #StarTrek, and #ScienceFiction lover.

John Caruso

Software developer | coffee snob | amateur creative

André Menrath

For me personally, social media are not really attractive, for me it would be enough to follow my favourite artists and some institutions via RSS. But the impact on society and democracy, and the fact that some minorities can no longer feel safe on commercial platforms, as well as many have become dependent on them, made me want to do something: so I founded this instance to promote a better alternative.

#Pianist #Teacher #Composer #AudioEngineering #Developer #Moodle #FLOSS #fedi22 he/him

Jan Boddez

Mechanical engineer, amateur web developer, mediocre guitarist. Likes web standards, accessibility, #PHP#Laravel and #WordPress, mostly—the #IndieWeb, and #PunkRock. #nobot

Binary Moon

I make a browser based animation app at and I do WordPress things at

Futurist Jim Carroll

Single user Mastodon #selfhost

Online since '82 - BBS, Source, Compuserve, BIX, WELL, Usenet, uucp

Wrote 34 books in 90s on 'Net/tech; had 3 radio shows, many news columns, mags, etc


30 yrs on global stages speaking on disruptive trends, innovation, creativity, future. Represented by Harry Walker Agency, Washington Speakers, BigSpeak etc. Clients like NASA, PGA, Pfizer tfr

Linux / PI / OS/x

Tesla guy. Love the car, not the guy

Guelph, Canada!

13 HCP


life mask (jeff)

Twitter escapee. Socialist. Born 1954. Music.Beer.Wine and Spirits. S.W. England. No MSM news is good news.