Jeremy Herve

Open on

WordPress, TV Series, music, kids, and board games. I think that's probably the best way to define me in a few words. 🙂

I work at Automattic on the Jetpack plugin and its infrastructure. You'll consequently find me talking about WordPress things a lot, but also about all things open source in general.

I am French and live in Brittany, so I will post in French from time to time, as well as share pictures of our beautiful Brittany. 🙂

You can also follow my blog on the Fediverse at @jeremy, for more long-form updates.

Pronouns: He/Him


Pseudo Nym

Place holder as I'm testing out CalcKey.

Main is

#gamer #infosec #dad #coffee #puns

I'm an older geek dad in the California bay area.

Please talk to me about
#coffee , #puns , #infosec , #books , #scifi, #ttrpg, or other geeky topics.

I like cheesy 80s pop music, Rush, and GloryHammer. No apologies.

I've discovered
#mastocats hash tag, and #mosstodon and #photography and they've all made this a much more humane place.

I like seeing the "slice of life" posts from real people. These kinds of moments are what connects us.

Pronouns: he/him

#Infosec, #nerd, #dad, older #geek.

Matt Wiebe

Overall ardent generalist. old guy, working on ActivityPub. Dad. Winnipegger. Here to play.


Geoff Kratz

Canadian from Calgary, Alberta. Software developer, business builder, aspiring science fiction writer. I’m trying to limit my time to once per day here, so I may not respond right away.
Avatar photo is an older grey haired balding white male with glasses.
Banner is a collage of science fiction robots.

Mitex Leo

Double Thinker | #Privacy Advocate (Beta) | FOSSist | #GenZ | Anti-Racist

 Freedom is Slavery 
 Ignorance is Strength 
 War is Peace 
...... ...... ..... ...... ......

 FOSS is a Human Right 
 Privacy is all about power 


Carsten Bach



Vampire énergétique, pas adminsys, un peu libriste, aime Internet. Pechno Hacker ; ircop sur #geeknode , fan de #gentoo et #alpine #linux . J'ai une légère obsession pour les #claviers et j'adore mater des films.

Instance mono-utilisateur : je suis mon propre Elon Musk !

Si vous me suivez, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un ptit message de bonjour, sinon c'est moi qui le ferait.
Ça peut aider à briser la glace et à se découvrir un peu :-)


Public Assembly Team

Our Public Assembly is an online platform that allows regular people to take control of their donations. This platform helps coordinate and track donations, making it easier to see where donations go and hold organizations accountable.

This platform also gives people the opportunity to come together and make a stronger impact. By joining together, people are able to leverage collective spending power in order to make larger donations that can have a bigger impact.


Valérie Galassi

Développeuse Front End freelance. En couple w/ HTML5 et CSS3. J'utilise #WordPress pour créer des sites web dynamiques. J'ai co-organisé plusieurs #WordCamps. Mes centres d'intérêts sont : #cello #books #savetheplanet #a11y, neutralité du net. Nice. France


Host of An open conversation about the news & views that capture our attention every week. Taking calls live on Sundays @ 9pm Central.