Jake Hamby jhamby@chaos.social
hikari 🌟 (falling into the sky) @hikari@social.noyu.me
magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she
this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!
check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/
TronDD @trondd@chat.kagu-tsuchi.com
Self-hosted account
OpenBSD, SysAdmin
Retrocomputing, Altair, z80, C64
Old and weird cars, Trabant, 三菱ジープ
Japanese (mostly) music
Band-Maid | Nemophila | Glim Spanky | Chanmina | Atarashii Gakko
Dreamcatcher | Rolling Quartz | The Warning