Joshua Purba :comfysip:

Open on

Software engineer, electronics hobbyist.
#programming #java #electronics #arduino #fedi22 #nobot #noindex
Other accounts: @jo, @jo, and @jo



You might call it trash but I might call it treasure

Interested in the Environment, green technology, recycling and upcycling (especially scrap electronics), vintage hi fi, old walkmans and attempting to repair them!


Software Engineer, entrepreneur, and father interested in frontend, backend, and embedded systems. Located in Frankfurt, Germany.

Admin of

Alexander Knochel

Teacher (Maths, Physics, Energy and Experimental Lab courses), Lecturer, Author, lapsed high energy theorist
Signature signature (+,-,-,-)
... Physics, Music, Math, Energy, Electronics, (Ham) Radio, ecomodernist tendencies
J.S. Bach & Metal stan account,
Call DK3HD
somewhere near Heidelberg, Germany

GIGU :verifiedtrans:


Past: Commercial RF engineer.
Current: Radio amateur, experimenter and evil genius.


Intense social & political critic proudly banned from LinkedIn, Twitter,, etc. for calling out wealthy, typically white, reactionary, extremist, absolutist, authoritarian (left or right), monotheist, and corporatist-fascism every time and everywhere possible.

Ian Neill

Network & Security Engineer and a keen tech enthusiast!

Yes, I have spares for most of my tech, and I do #backup all my data.

#Sci-Fi, #RPGs, #BardsTale, #Python, #Arduino and #retro #6502CPU & #Z80 coding is what I enjoy in my free time.

Many projects on the go, all involving building hardware, writing software and making systems.

...and I love landscape and nature #photography, especially water scenes and those of #Connemara, #Devon, #PeakDistrict, #LakeDistrict, #Iceland and #NewZealand!

Deniz Opal

Game Developer. Innovator. Retro game enthusiast. University Lecturer. Tourist android from the dystopian cyberpunk future. Potty mouthed future architect of our robot overlords.

He/Vulcans. IDIC 🖖

Stat Block:
INT: 18
CHA: 12
WIS: 12
DEX: 10
STR: 3
CON: 1.2

#Selzero #RetroGames #RetroComputers #Coding #GameDev #Innovation #AI #Robotics #XR #Creativity #MovieProducer #StarTrek #SciFi #Humanist #Atheist #Linux #UBI #Science



Pronomen: Er
Pronouns: He/Him
#SoftwareDeveloper | #LinuxUser | #bearded | LGBTQIAP+

Agas Ramirez 🌙✨

#Filipino writer, podcaster, and post-colonial feminist posting about Southeast Asia #TootSEA

🌻 HERstory Southeast Asia (2020 to present) #HERstoryseapod

👻 Shake Rattle and Record (on hiatus) #SRRpodcast

Header: Batch of freshly dyed silk in vibrant orange, green, red, indigo hues

Profile: Woman with long black hair looking at the camera, rendered in black and white


Currently tinkering with stuff on the sunny South Coast of the UK.

By day I am one of those people that 'does something with computers', usually around data visualisation.

By night I'm usually wandering around
#NoMansSky or #ElderScrollsOnline building stupid stuff in both.

#EFF and #ORG supporter.

Been using
#PGP since 2000 and no-one has ever mailed me.