Not yet a brewer

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Recently embarked on the adventure of my lifetime, learning to brew, studying and attempting to establish a small, sustainable craft beer brewery in rural Japan.

Dedicated dad, vegan, amateur cook, home-brewer, craft beer and single malt whisky fan.

Black Lives Matter!
Trans Lives Matter!
Minorities, Diversity and Preservation of Cultural Uniqueness Matter!

Posts should expire after 90 days, I often post to my website and syndicate here hence many of my posts contain URLs but I'm active here too.

Now in Japan!




Minimalist Ru

Gàidheal and Teuchter. #nobot

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Gàidhealtachd, Alba.

None of my views are my own.

like jam or bootlaces

he/him, cis, itinerant amongst the instances. en_US.UTF-8

(Profile image by Challiyil Eswaramangalath Vipin (challiyan) - Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, see pinned toots)


Hey, I'm Sam. Haitian-American living in #Japan since 2010. Freelance #designer and #writer. Trying to balance the anger and the love I have for this life. Blog:
All My Web Stuff:

jay 🌺:disabled_heart:

privilege: able-bodied if not for chronic fatigue, white, male, german, cis, can code
highly sensitive person

If we aren't already acquainted, please @ me with any follow request.

header by @skyofmywindow
profile picture is a closeup of a poppy flower I shot


Retired chemist. I like to explore.
I'm not good at much, just good enough to get by.


late developer (c#, js, etc). held together with black packing tape.


Wandered from South to North, from IT to the Humanities. Lower left political compass.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇪🇺


Tha mi ag ionnsachadh #Gàidhlig. In #Scotland. Vareando fideos.

серафими многоꙮчитїи

/se-ra-FEE-mi mnoh-guh-AW-chi-ti/
Things that shouldn't need to be said, yet somehow, do:

Trans rights are human rights! Obviously! Support your transgender and non-binary friends and comrades.

Black Lives Matter:be anti-antiBlackness & support PoC.

Lad o' pairts. Big Data geek/consultant. Free Software literally lets me make a living, so yeah a fan. Anti- elitists, gatekeepers, and reactionaries. #mefite 🦬 :bisexual_flag:

I always feel weird about liking selfies as I am a wife guy and dad, but you're all *gorgeous*. Especially you.

Erin M. May, PhD

Professional Astrophysicist. Crafting Enthusiast.

You can find me studying atmospheres of planets around far away stars with space telescopes


Header picture is from a simulation of the atmosphere of an Earth-like exoplanet.

Other things I like and will occasionally toot about: Star Trek, Knitting, Books, Cats

(all follows welcome, no need to ask!)

Meditating in the moshpit

"role" : “#infosec consultant",
"specialisms" : ["#VulnerabilityManagement", "#AttackPathReduction",”#AttackSurfaceManagement”],
"hobbies" : ["#paragliding", "#hillwalking"],
"mbti" : "#intj",
“location”: (“#edinburgh”, “#scotland”),
"languages" : ["#english", "(beagan) #gàidhlig", "#python"],


(Feel free to follow. Requests via DM for follow-back are appreciated!)

Hey, I'm Sam. Haitian-American living in #Japan since 2010. Freelance #designer and #writer. Trying to balance the anger and the love I have for this life. Blog: