jra jra@soc.jra.sh

Open on soc.jra.sh
PhD student @ IST ULisboa, INESC-ID
network intrusion detection ∪ programmable networks
07th Expansion • music
CJK • powerline aesthetics

hikari 🌟 (🇩🇪 arc) @hikari@social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/

Laurent Vanbever @laurent@f.vanbever.ch

Professor @ ETH Zürich. Head of nsg.ee.ethz.ch. Trying to make the Internet better, one pipe at a time. Starting to experiment with Mastodon/ActivityPub. I'm also on Twitter: twitter.com/lvanbever