~julienxx julienxx@nein.club

Open on nein.club

Enver Balalic @enverbalalic@social.treehouse.systems

Mike Burns @mikeburns@bsd.network

Software dev at thoughtbot • Ruby, Rust, C, sh, Kotlin, security • he/him, xennial, NYC/Squamish •
Professional: @mburns • Non-professional: @mikeburns • Outside: @mikegoesout

Yannick François @yaf@framapiaf.org

Développeur vieux, Pédagogue de la programmation, Entrepreneur-Salarié chez Chrysalide (https://www.cae29.coop/), travail pour https://pix.fr

Étienne Barrié @bihi@ruby.social

Ruby lover, HTTP faithful, Git force-pusher. Born at 348ppm. He/him

Michael Dales @mdales@mastodon.me.uk

Technologist, Luthier, Maker; based in Cambridge, UK. Keen amateur photographer.

Tech wise I work in compute tools to enable and support climate scientists at the University of Cambridge.

Luthier/Maker-wise I'm interested in how to fuse traditional craft with modern digital manufacturing.

Photography wise I take pictures to make me happy, and occasionally make zines.

nmeum @nmeum@hachyderm.io

Computer scientist pursuing a PhD degree and occasional contributor to a FOSS project near you. Interested in software security (especially regarding embedded devices), operating systems, and computer architecture.

ram @rkrishnan@hachyderm.io

I am into programming, electronics, ham radio and professionally into cryptography engineering and computer security. Likes #c, #go, #haskell, #emacs, #freesoftware.

I have another account where I mostly write about my amateur radio adventures (@vu3rdd)

Ed S @EdS@mastodon.sdf.org

6502 nut; awk fan; avid reader if not for so much time online; once a chip designer; fan of one-line programs & ingenuity generally. #retrocomputing #computerhistory

Pronouns: he/him

Nocko 🏴 @nocko@kolektiva.social

Permacomputing, Mutual Aid, Middle-aged nursing student. #ldnont, >18