GPN Küche

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Küche auf der GPN -


Tobias Höppner

sailor by heart
passionate about infosec
fascinated by green / sustainable IT
mad about motorcycles
in love w/ techno

antihec 🥔

GPN Infodesk

Der Infodesk auf der GPN21. Lichthof 3, am üblichen Ort.

DECT: INFO (4636)


disaster math girl who earns money for playing with snakes 🐍

i like trains nyooom

feel free to follow request ✨


#enby #BGP #admin of [ #Freifunk Frankfurt (#AS64475)|#AS58145] & #firefighting & #ccc

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ :pansexual_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :progress_pride:

André Becker

Building the future of game server hosting at Nitrado. I post about #SoftwareEngineering, #Leadership, and spending too much time playing Satisfactory.

You can find useful Software Engineering tips under #SoftwareEngineering101!

502 Bad GaytWay (nicole)

- verweigert die Aussage und wird durchschaut
- gewillt zu lernen und dabei zu helfen
- maskiert das Gesicht nicht erst seit es alle coolen Kids machen
- 44203 is a prime number
- trash with some positive qualities
- flirting is weird tbh, if we interacted for a bit feel free to ask though
get pronouns - they're free :)
Do *not* "dude"/"bro"/"guy" me. I am neither of those.
DM before sending follow requests or I won't see it.
not cis apparently :o


28 | CS drop-out | Matrix | @entropia | GPN


mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl

🏴‍☠️ I like computers! Silicon is alive! All hail abstraction! 🏴‍☠️

🌺 💐 🌸 he/him 🌸 💐 🌺


Cloud Stylistin | Creative Commons | FOSS | Fotografie | Gestaltung | Kunst | Kochen | Backen | zynisch, sarkastisch und Misanthrop | :antifa: :pansexual_flag: :anarchismred: 🏳️‍⚧️


⚠️ Wenn du mir folgen willst, sag mal Hallo und woher wir uns kennen.