leah leah@fedi.ctu.cx

Open on fedi.ctu.cx

This is currently just a test-instance. Federation bugs may occur, since i try to recycle the account domain from a previous instance.

You are allowed to follow me here, but keep in mind i will mostly post at my current main at @leah until i completely moved here.

At some point i'll probably completely move here, but not until gotosocial gets support for the Move-activity.


Leah Neukirchen @leah@blahaj.social

Just another random shark-hugging girl. · queerfeminist ⚧ trans 🏳️‍🌈 bi 💞 polyam ✨ white

Laura ~ zotan @zotan@estrogen.network

infrastructure witch 🧙‍♀️

​:anarchy:​ & ​:antifa:​
​:trans_flag:​ + ​:lesbian_flag:​ = ​:transbian:​

obligatory ACAB.
​:ancom:​ ​:anqueer:​

21, she/they, trans, autistic, disabled & traumaqueer, very gay, polyam, plural

likes: trains, drugs, queer people

I do computery things sometimes

I only have a dark account and you are looking at it.

I will likely not accept your follow request if I don't know you from somewhere. Me liking your post does not fulfill that criteria. Following back is always appreciated, however.

seo @yukibecks@chaos.social

Ich mag Musik, Kunst und Bäume | white | queer | non-binary | sie/they

find me also @seo

🫐 must'oitüttö limonmuailmas 🍋 @vivavaleria@eldritch.cafe

Disaster bisexual, trans, polyam. 26 years. Bigender girlboy.

Variations of Valerie (Valeria, Valerina) or puns (Randalie, Vandalerie, Valewdie, Walerie) are seen as acts of affection.

Headmate: @enum
Fun stuff: @valewdie
Unicorn: @jucika

Skorpy @Skorpy@chaos.social

#enby #BGP #admin of [ #Freifunk Frankfurt (#AS64475)|#AS58145] & #firefighting & #ccc

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ :pansexual_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :progress_pride:

Chep87 :demisexual: :demiromantic: :pansexual: @Chep87@zug.network

Soll hier irgendwas digitalisieren und wenn gerade nichts zu tun ist, dann Feuerwehrbetriebsplaner

Z̈oé @uint8_t@chaos.social

this field left blank intentionally

Moritz Krähe @moritzkraehe@zug.network

Spielt im Modellbahnkeller der TU Dresden und studiert Verkehrsingenieurwesen.

uwu @uwu@chaos.social

lvl 23 | transfemme | pan | polyam | nombinary | ADHD | uwu! | short | unapologetically cute

:das_ist_gelb: @bau@zug.network

Felis tramensis constructor :simsalasum:
Gelblichtgewerbe :max_maulwurf:
Mag Katzen, gelbe Züge und Fahrräder.
Bund der Beton-Architektur-Fetischisten.


Waweic @waweic@chaos.social

Einheitsfront statt Querfront!

CYBER :blobcatchewwire: katze @schrottkatze@ck.katzen.cafe

hacker catgirl server maid of this place

driving fedi innovation by being gay on the internet

I'll probably accept follow requests, but i just want the option to say no to a follow request, yk?

someone remind me to improve this, i'm tired now and this is a problem for future me