maloki maloki@goblin.technology
You can officially talk with me about #GoToSocial and #Tusky here.
I will post about Masto meta, ActivityPub, some of the tech, but also social aspects on here.
KemoNine @kemonine@weirder.earth
generally confused
My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
xryxix @mercurythedragon@eldritch.cafe
nonbinary androgyne. black. autistic. dyslexic. panromantic asexual. social justice rogue. skateboarding n playing videogames is fun
wanted 2 see what was on this side of instance other account is: @mercurythedragon
xryxix on everything. I make music, art, and stream videogames
commissions are open
i tend to add folks who interact w my stuff/i see post cool content on here. if wanna message/talk before adding go for it i enjoy meeting people
i follow back!
Accretor @accretor@mstdn.ca
Endlessly curious. Here to better understand myself, my fellow humans, and the world. Secular humanist and data-driven reformer.
arivero @arivero@octodon.social
ediazcomellas @ediazcomellas@astrodon.social
Colin @csgordon@types.pl
PL professor, kernel hacker, aspiring linguist (syntax & compositional semantics)
Kill cars for climate! @andrej@trees.social
Hi, I am Andrej. I am the admin on trees.social.
I care about equity, the life on earth and people.
I enjoy gardening, hamradio (@dl5psy) and tinkering. My account may contain #catcontent.
I am a RZL member and go by the nick niom there.
Trans rights are human rights.
autistic and managing (barely) @managingautie@weirder.earth
late-dx autistic; moderately successful professional slowly succumbing to burnout while trying really hard not to; tired; white, male, cis-by-default
flere-imsaho @mawhrin@circumstances.run
“i mean, i'm smiling, but i'm very fucking furious”
drone, offensive, riding the eternal september wave since '94
Digital_Eclipse @Digital_Eclipse@libretooth.gr
Please speak your native language to me! I love all languages, even if I have to translate! 🥰
I am an adult, US-based #socialist. I speak English, et je peux parler #français aussi.
Solidarity with the world!! 🌎🌍🌏💞
Profile pic description: A moon, like Jupiter's Callisto, but glitched to look like it is melting at the bottom.
Banner pic description: James Webb's Telescope's picture of Messier 74, AKA the Phantom Galaxy.
slimepsychic @slimepsychic@mastodon.art
queer trans art witch
partner: @Cryptika
#auDHD #EDS #POTS #MCAS #LongCovid
#queer #trans #neuroqueer #plural
UX Dev
This is my account to post art (and backup account)
My main account is @slimepsychic.
Cassey Lottman @cassey@carhenge.club
software engineer. ebike enthusiast. fighter for a better world. she/they