Micheal :devterm: micheal@social.ecliptik.com

Open on social.ecliptik.com

Husband and father working in cloud ☁️ operations by day and hacking on keyboards ⌨️, Raspberry Pis :raspberrypi:, *nix-like operating sysytems :freebsd: :openbsd: :debian: :linux: by night.


bbbhltz @bbbhltz@fosstodon.org

Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things

also in French here: @bbbhltz

"pretty soon, the hippies of today will be the squares of tomorrow" --- Buck 65

~chiptune @chiptune@tilde.zone

infinity reduced to not much

Tomáš @prahou@merveilles.town

surrealist; low_res artist; follower of the machine spirit

previously on #unix_surrealism:

'the machine bleeds dithered monochrome'

Dušan 🇷🇸⚛️ @me@social.dusanmitrovic.xyz

Hi there! I'm a software developer from Belgrade, Serbia, mainly dealing with distributed systems. An all-round nerd, minimalist and a tinkerer. I sometimes engage in political commentary. My opinions are my own.
 Besides computing, I'm interested in philosophy of religion, politics, psychology, biology, poetry and literature.

Melody Mayhem @melodymayhem@bitbang.social

cat K. @cat@b4udw3rk5.com

Australien cryptid, techno-animist, pacifist, phone phreak, catastronaut, music hyperconsumer, Gopher protocol supremacist & crowned King of the Cats.

(avatar by Jade Treyssède, used without permission)

dsyates :debian: :arch: :vim: @dsyates@fosstodon.org

Just an old linux user