mirabilos mirabilos@toot.mirbsd.org

Open on toot.mirbsd.org

My instance runs experimental software (GotoSocial).

Languages: de-DE-1901, en-DE, some la, and I might understand some nl, es or similar.

Mostly interested in cats. Also, good coffee☕, garlic, cats, nature, European paganism, IT (but not those new-fangled hypes; I like my Korn Shell, Assembly, used to like C; I run VMs, not (never!) containers; I hate the way people try to force systemd upon other people and avoid it and other plagues), cats, music (baroque was the peak of all music, it went downhill from there: Beethoven and Mozart were the beginning of that; love John Rutter’s though, and Nightwish/Tarja…), garlic, cats, good coffee, books, good fanfiction… oh, and, did I mention? Cats! I also dare to sing and dabble a bit in #TeamRecorder, and I go geocaching, opencaching, terracaching, … and occasionally play Munzee.
Dogs and SJWs are not welcome. I don’t come here for deep social discussions or something, so don’t bother me with these. Nor with shudder… politics. And I’ll refuse follows from people who endorse ML/LLM (so-called “AI”) and/or content output by them, since the latter is almost always illegal.

My feed will include RSS posts from other activity feeds of mine (posted via daily cronjob, not in real time, so their post timestamp is irrelevant) as well as RTs and no CWs. RTs are not my own content and belong to the original poster. I often RT or boost posts I do not understand, e.g. in foreign languages, just because the picture is nice or something.

I run my own single-user plus bots (so far, but I might admit personal acquaintances if they really want) instance of GtS so some tech trouble may be expected. No custom “emoji” (really, colon-magic-strings, which I loathed on other platforms already), but longer posts and Markdown formatting. (I hate Markdown, but it’s better than no formatting, I suppose?)

I’m personnel to Čara🐈‍⬛ (a rescue cat, FIP carrier and FIV+ but so lovely). Black cats are the best! (Though she’s got white nose, socks and bikini.)


Mapache_Tico @mapache_tico@mastodon.world

Costarricense.... Gracias a Dios!!!

Medio Ateo... también Gracias a Dios!

Felizmente casado y más enamorado de
mi esposa ahora que cuando la conocí...

Padre y aparentemente Cajero Automático de mis hijos...
(parece que ya, POR DICHA, se le ha ido quitando esa maña!)

Pelo blanco completo; según el espejo que es un irrespetuoso!

Abuelo Profesional;
quiero decir, con 6 nietos ya soy profesional en esta vara!


DerKlimablog.de 🏳️‍🌈 @DerKlimablog@dju.social

Das Klimamedium.
Context is King.

#Klima-Gazette mit Hoffnung, Zukunftsblicken, Politikanalysen und DIY-Klima.



leyrer @leyrer@chaos.social

Oscillating between Dunning-Kruger Effect and Impostor Syndrome.
Apparently not socializable.
Der Geist eines Siebenjährigen, gefangen im Körper eines alten, weißen Mannes. Send help!
Serial enthusiast, professional pessimist.

neoanderthal @neoanderthal@witches.live

He/him; English/some Deutsch

An out-of-practice neophyte working to get back into the rhythm of things.
I am a solo practitioner, and like to explore different traditions and retain what works for me.
Based in NY US
Virgo under the fickle gaze of Mercury

Stuart Celarier @VisualStuart@pdx.social

#CloudSolutionsArchitect at #Xpirit. Former #MicrosoftMVP and #MicrosoftRegionalDirector.

I teach #Juggling at #ReedCollege and helped create the #PortlandJugglingFestival.

I play #Mandolin as well as #Mandola and #Mandocello. Many musical styles, mostly jazz and swing these days, but I'm open.

Our garden is filled with #Rhododendrons and related woodland plants.

Known to take an occasional sip of sherry.

Pax @PaxGeoffrey@pagan.plus

Writer and content creating totally awesome Queer Pagan dude. Blessed with ADHD and an odd sense of humor!

Born and raised in Alaska and now living in Florida.

I am a Witch and Polytheist and a blogger with a fascination for social media in it's many iterations and the ways people use it to connect with others and with themselves.

I am also a Unitarian Universalist.

Other interests include, but are not limited to: History, Folklore, and Cooking.

He/Him/Bespoke Nightmare

Nickname @Nickname@mastodon.bayern

Typ aus München der #Linux, Zocken und #Technik allgemein mag.
#OpenStreetMaps #StreetComplete #FOSS #GamingOnLinux #PenAndPaper #ZwanzigEins
Might clear followers in the future for private reasons

Cats Of Mastodon Vlaanderen @catsof@mastodon.vlaanderen


Jinxy, Nala, Simba ,Spooky, and Mickey

Bob Ballentine @raballentine@mstdn.party

Retired. Amateur classical pianist. If you complain about Garland or praise Assange, I will block you. #ADHD. #Cats. #StarWars. #StarTrek. #MST3K. #classicalmusic. #pianomusic. #rebelscum.

Morgan @Awakenpotential@pagan.plus

Early Childhood Education Leader during the week, Tarot Reader and student of Astrology on the weekend, with some spell work in between. Crone mother of 2 adult humans and 2 adult cats. Wish I had more time for my tbr pile.

Mika5270Ⓜ️🐈‍⬛ @Mika5027@mastodon.social

Wer etwas wissen möchte, fragt und erhält vielleicht eine Antwort.