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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Chris (Gonz Blinko) Hofstader

I am Chris Hofstader, known to some as Gonz Blinko. I've been a writer, blogger, publisher, social critic and lots of other things in the blindness world for many years. Now, I'm editor in chief of World Blind Herald ( a new and very unique news and information web site about all things blindness and blind people from the entire world.

Juan P. :neurodiversity:

Montañero pero ahora soy un flatlander. En el camino vivo atrincherado a la espera de salir corriendo. En 🇫🇮 de 🇨🇴 trabajo para 🇪🇸 (It's complicated).

Admin en
La comunidad de hispanohablantes de y en #Finlandia

Es | En | Cat | Fin

#eldercare #anthropology #philosofy #silvertech #ehealth #edutech #criptoshame #hämeenlinna #decentralization #barcelona #suomi #colombia

Tarteka 🌈

Me gano la vida como Técnico en Emergencias Sanitarias (TES).
Me apasiona tanto la informática que estoy estudiando, poco a poco, Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web.


AKA MoonBoiRen, RenOnVacation, and other moonie things.
#Black. #Disabled. #Trans. He/His. Dissasociative. Mostly homebound.
• Livestreams art, gaming, chats, co-working, and writing to reach out to others.
• Enthusiastic. Sentimental. Awkward. Sleepy. Snacky.
• Likes #writing, history, #science, tech, social sciences, #books, #art, #gaming, mental health issues, disability issues, cats, #music.
• May post my streams, but does not like the thought of doing so.😶
• Enjoys following, boosting.

Robert Fromont

My thing is reducing drudgery for linguistics researchers, by combining and developing open source software.

Among programmers I'm a linguist. Among linguists I'm a programmer.



I make things with computers · they/them

avatar description: a yellow smiling blob in front of a blue sky with clouds 🙂

Queen Lilaerys

I'm a South African writer at a learning technology company, with a side business in HR and D&I consulting and coaching/counselling. My qualifications are in Psychology and Political Science, and I'm currently busy completing a Masters in Human Rehabilitation Science. I'm proudly disabled, and passionate about disability advocacy. Also, I drink too much wine and I'm a cat lover.

Richard Emling (DO9RE)

Meines Vaters Sohn, Inklusionist, Genussmensch, selektiver Philanthrop, Planer und Macher, Bartträger aus Überzeugung, Humanist, Judoka, Metal Head, Löwe, Asatru, geburtsblind, Fantast, Geek, Familienmensch, neugierig, manchmal melancholisch, modern und doch traditionsbewusst, Fluchen entspannt, Sushi wurde für mich erfunden, ich hasse Blattsalat, handwerklich geschickt

George Penney

I'm a queer/bi comic crime/SFF author (under the name George Penney) and I'm also a best-selling Rom Com writer (under Evie Snow) and a PhD escapee.

I have two podcasts called Bohemiana and My Favourite Monster.

I also travel continuously and house sit around the world because I can, and I'm a cultural omnivore who is interested in everything all at once.

I GM 2-5 shot DnD 5e games that are fun, silly and set in my OverLondon universe.

I like tea and cats, not necessarily in that order.

Bryce Willey

I write software for humans, day job is with access to justice. Biking, Gaming, Fun Graphs.

Feel free to interact! I'm a bit shy sometimes, but am trying to be more outgoing here.

Baa 🐰

Hi I'm Baa!
This is my backup account for

I'm importing my followers so that's probably why you're reading this :gyate_momiji_awoo:

Zehra C

Global Justice | #Python, #FinTech, #InsurTech, #AIEthics | Previously Cinéphile, BBA, MA in Insurance, Short Film Director, Art, History, #Running | She/Her.