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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:



Art & music


Paqui Torres

Ufff, qué difícil escribir sobre una misma, pero allá voy. Soy licenciada en Derecho y trabajo como instructora de tiflotecnología. Tengo dos hijos adolescentes que llenan mi vida cuando no me la complican demasiado. Soy apasionada de la tecnología y siempre me ha gustado aprender, de eso y de todo. Me encanta leer. Adoro la música, componer y cantar. Soy una persona ciega, con muchas ganas de actuar por una sociedad mejor. Gracias por leerme.

Eggmont 🐘

Open source 🐧🐧🐧, open records, and privacy. Writer, Artist, Systems Engineer, Jazz Musician, Yoda-Guru.

Linux: Fedora for personal use. Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD as needed for professional use. Windows only when absolutely necessary.

John Sundman

(Still) biodigital novelist, mover of heavy objects, volunteer firefighter (retired), national treasure.

thingol :mastodon:

Viejo UNIXero/Linuxero que además trabajó en comunicación bastantes años (radio comercial), que ama la libertad de expresión, la literatura, el cine, este planeta, esta vida y conocer/aprender cosas y lugares.

Survival is Insufficient

Dogs don't have alphas.
Cats aren't sociopaths.
Occupied Dakota Territory/ Minneapolis
(she/her; autistic)
Special interests: animal behavior, anthrozoology, anthropology, & being a bummer about cute animal videos.
I'm a professional, accredited, force‐free, R+ pet trainer using a "gift economy" where folks pay any amount at any time instead of fees.
Avatar: illustration of me with my cat & pitbull by

Patrick Perdue

I'm just a guy from North Carolina, transplanted to New York City. Blind, autistic, going deaf. Amateur radio operator, audio editor/sound engineer (as hearing dictates,) pretend to be a musician sometimes.


Writer of fantasy fiction, medievalist, academic by day. I read across genres but especially SFF, historical, and literary. Pop culturally curious. [She/her]

Paweł Masarczyk

Somewhere between podcasting, accessibility testing, travelling and tweeting in Braille. #a11y #Android #iOS #music #languages pol/eng

Galeoloc ☑️

Arturo Fernández

Apasionado de la tecnología, domótica, accesibilidad y todo aquello que mejore la vida de las personas

Rynhardt Kruger

Blind programmer and researcher in voice computing, developing speech applications for the South African context. Passionate about open source, the open web, accessibility and disability rights. Kidney transplant, also doing some dialysis. Trying to be an ally to all marginalised identities, but still learning. Imperfect christian.