Panos Damelos

Open on

Living in Greece. Anticapitalist/anarchist/liberal communist. #Polyamorous. #Queer. Active in the internets since the late 90s through IRC and forums. Currenty loving the #Fediverse and involved in the #firefish / ex-#Calckey project, helping with community management and project coordination. Member of the admin team of the greek-speaking firefish server and moderator at
This is my main english-speaking account. Greek speakers can reach me at


Jeremy Herve

WordPress, TV Series, music, kids, and board games. I think that's probably the best way to define me in a few words. 🙂

I work at Automattic on the Jetpack plugin and its infrastructure. You'll consequently find me talking about WordPress things a lot, but also about all things open source in general.

I am French and live in Brittany, so I will post in French from time to time, as well as share pictures of our beautiful Brittany. 🙂

You can also follow my blog on the Fediverse at @jeremy, for more long-form updates.

Pronouns: He/Him

Jeff Rhyason

Hacker, yak-shaver, hubby, dad. Formerly at Sun Microsystems and AWS, now ZipRecruiter. Fan of a decentralized internet.