Alun Jones

Open on

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial






Mark Neal

General techie stuff. Tend to lurk a lot rather than contributing much (sorry). Electronics, robotics, renewable energy, folkie.

Eve :verified:

• Married to the best man ever on the world (@paulfoerster). ❤️
• Owning a small 🏡, a beautiful oldtimer Yamaha Virago 750 🏍️ and a small 🚗 in a small, but beautiful country.
• Freelance artist.
• Hobbies: #Pottery #GlassBeads #Gardening #Nature #History #Fossiles #Music #Animals, #DVDs #Reading #Travel
• Pets: 4 🐈, 5 🐡, 3 🐓, 2 🦆


Profile banner image: sea of fog covering area Solothurn to Aarau, Alps in the background, sunrise red/orange, picture taken by me


Currently tinkering with stuff on the sunny South Coast of the UK.

By day I am one of those people that 'does something with computers', usually around data visualisation.

By night I'm usually wandering around
#NoMansSky or #ElderScrollsOnline building stupid stuff in both.

#EFF and #ORG supporter.

Been using
#PGP since 2000 and no-one has ever mailed me.

Chris Gerhard :bt:

One time cyclist. Solaris developer, ZFS, mdb.
Forever European 🇪🇺

Romilly Cocking (RAREblog)

Veteran Digital Maker, lifelong learner and teacher, Programmer since 1958, Linux user since 1992. I love tech, science, music, reading, food and friends. #RaspberryPi #Python #MicroPython #APL

Steven 🐓

More homes and less infectious disease.

I live in BC, and that is important context for many of my posts.

he/they 🥑 #yyj

Alien Anomaly

#Rock #Music #Punk #Metal #AreWeDoingThisRight
Forever in awe of the mastery of Rush.

Gasper Zejn

Human. Born into 344ppm. Most interested in the energy stuff. (Physics, not some made up things.)

Paul Holt

Nature loving Geek from South Wales in the UK. Normally seen out and about with a camera. Born a while back and still here. Please remember that we need nature, nature doesn't need us.
#fedi22 #Music #photography #nature #wildlife #raspberrypi #camel #progrock

Randy Resnick

Joined in 2017.
In the 1980's, Z80 assembler, later DEC assembler (RT-11, RSX-11), Fortran, etc
Started Visions Under Construction podcast 2007-2019 with Asterisk and open source projects.
Worked in wine with Bordeaux châteaux 20+ years. #Food #fedi22 #music

Composer, musician for over 57 years.
Published a SF novella in 2022, StingerBots.

Original music tracks, at least 180 of them online at


Retired IT director (actually now reemployed part-time on an IT help-desk), freelance writer, maker
Cornwall, UK. CIS, but no problems or prejudice for any sexual or gender orientations.