Aaron Bieber qbit@mammothcirc.us

Open on mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=



Damien Miller @djm@cybervillains.com

debugging, v: the process of inserting printf statements into code until one's errors reveal themselves

Paul ‮etnomailgaT @paul@soylent.green

he/him ⁂ purveyor of fine bike sheds ⁂ Debian Developer :debian: Hy Core :hy: ⁂ playing with software defined radios as K3XEC :amateur: :hztools: ⁂ formerly: board of directors of the Open Source Initiative :osi: ⁂ 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓉𝓎 𝑜𝓇 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝓇𝑜𝑜𝓉

Prior Fediverse: identi.ca from 2008; mastodon.social from 2017

Julio Merino @jmmv@mastodon.online

Software Engineer at Snowflake working on developer productivity and Bazel. FreeBSD, Rust, EndBASIC and a blog on the side. he/him

Dianora (Diane Bruce) @Dianora@ottawa.place

live in #Ottawa, #Canada (Unceded territory of the #Anishinaabe #Algonquin Nation) My Background is #Programmer #RealTime #Embedded some #ScientificProgramming Hobbies? ;) #FreeBSD dev. #amateurRadio, #Musician #Baking (I love to bake Universes) #Cooking some Uni. #Maths #Physics #Linguistics now interested in #Philosophy #Propaganda #CriticalThinking If you know who I am, you know.

Seth Hanford 🐡 @ckure@infosec.exchange

CSIRT primarily, currently doing large-scale detection engineering. I ❤️ ISO 8601

Spent a good amount of time in intelligence, ran operations for a vulnerability database, and worked a lot on some industry standards working groups CVSS (v2, v3), CPE (2.3). Did PSIRT a few places, too.

Do a lot with OpenBSD, Python, and Oxford commas. Worked as a manager for some world-class, global teams. Use that experience as a super power now that I’m back as a senior technical IC.

Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​ @kusuriya@hackers.town

I am a general systems, and computer hacker that is opinionated on how systems work and how to make them work for us all. All my thoughts are my own and do not necessarily reflect any sane or rational person's views.

You can find me here or @kusuriya@bsd.network for stuff that is more related to the BSD community.

Interests block:
#infosec, #electronics, #OpenSystems, #hardware, #openhardware, #brewing, #gardening, #fabrication, #software, #ComputerSystems, #permaculture

Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir @sigrid@nein.ftrv.se

A fellow random number generator.

Jon Williams @jon@bsd.network

cyclist, friend to animals.

smellsofbikes @smellsofbikes@mastodon.social

electron rancher, bicycle medic. Colorado. Ex-G+ user. Femtoinfluencer.
Some current projects: 3d printed, lost-PLA casting of a fuel injection manifold for an old car, building/characterizing a peltier cooler based atmospheric water generator, restoring retrocomputing equipment for the Media Archaeology Library at University of Colorado Boulder, and trying to improve my jumping skills enough to do a mountain bike jump over train tracks. 少し日本語を話します。

KE0FFT @KE0FFT@mastodon.radio

EM58xr - Improving #Morse skills using #LCWO [https://lcwo.net/profile/Skunkroot] & #HamRadioSolutions#VBand site w/USB key adapter. #Morsle daily 4 fun. Member #LICW. #AmateurRadio DMR / UHF / VHF, Echolink & Allstar. Shortwave Listening: #SWL. Former USAF #MorseCode Op & #Arabic linguist / instructor (1992-2007). Now a Trucker; never saw that coming; most days I actually enjoy it. #Beekeeping now too. Maintain a blog here w/ updates on the regular nets I monitor: https://bit.ly/3OA2Aed

Parade du Grotesque 💀 @ParadeGrotesque@mastodon.sdf.org

I wrestle penguins and spiky fishes for a living. Very cranky old *nix geek with a beard. You know the type. (now, get off my lawn!).

"I support transgender rights. Trans rights = human rights."

Else Someone @nobody@mastodon.acm.org

Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University: dense image correspondences, visual [camera] localization, inverse graphics

I might post about: how I lack sun in Finland, how I enjoy NixOS, how I suffer from literally every other build and deployment system... occasionally I'll try to write about #mathematics & my work

0. Autonomy
1. Public discourse
2. Everything else is debatable, including: market and socialism, property, democracy, federation