Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I write about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #WebDev.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!


(He/Him) 🇧🇷

Chat with me at https://matrix.to/#/@rafaelcaricio:caric.io


Nana Yaw Obed @Nanayawobed@mastodon.social

Cristiano Ronaldo fan/Blogger/Content creator/ crypto etc

nia (3 letter agency) @isa@pony.social

i write rust, i hit nazis, and i drink lib tears ;

xenofeminist, L/Acc, anarchist ;
may contain trace amounts of shitposting ;
will prob accept follow reqs if you're clearly a sentient being, not an (internet-type) troll, and don't give off rlly bad vibes ;
everything here is legal and/or financial advice ;

i am broke, please give me capitalism paper https://ko-fi.com/niaesp (or hire me!)

and may the flame that burns inside us /
burn everything around us

don't archive me. #nobot

Diogo @dsozua@mastodon.social

I'm a software developer based in Pernambuco, Brazil trying to get involved in the #open-source and #foss world

Biason::Julio::new(); @juliobiason@functional.cafe

🐍 🦀👨‍💻🖖
Pessoas > Tecnologia
People > Technology

Creator of code and controversial opinions.

(Avatar by https://getavataaars.com/)

#Python and #Rust developer (although I did almost every language around there), #Brazilian #Trekkie. #fedi22

danzin @danzin@mastodon.social

Brazilian Python hobbyist programmer. Programador amador em Python.

Jens Finkhäuser 🌻 @jens@social.finkhaeuser.de

Building a people centric next generation internet.

Languages: 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇷🇴
Pronouns: your choice
IPA: jɛns ˈfɪŋkˌhɔʏzɐ
Not: #JohnMastodon (he says)
Tags: #p2p #interpeer #interpeerproject #privacy #encryption #foss #humanrights
Also: #metalmittwoch
Nazis: fuck 'em with a nail bat. :antifa:
#web3 / #nft / #CryptoWaffling: is toxic and must die

With the influx of journalists, I guess I should say that all my toots are CC-BY-SA.

ọzkriff @ozkriff@mastodon.gamedev.place

Andréy Lesnikóv - #RustLang zealot, hobby #gameDev'eloper, fan of #turnBased games, one of https://arewegameyet.rs' maintainers and https://gamedev.rs' editors, @rust_gamedev feed's curator, Russian, 32yo, ex-Wargaming, ex-JetBrains, he|they.

I used to live in St Petersburg but moved to Yerevan in mid-2022 - fuck Putin.


Joël 🍵 @joel@chaos.social

Moved recently from @Jolg42

Frenchie in #Berlin #Germany

<3 Gongfu Cha 🍵

#Ghibli fan
Node.js, #JavaScript / #TypeScript developer

#Tea #Climate #ClimateChange #Vegan
#Diving #Plongée
#ScienceFiction #SciFi #learning #bike #velo
#OSS #Privacy #Technology
#French learning #German slowly 🦥

Discovered #wled recently 💡


gavi @gavi@wandering.shop

my name is gabe and i read alot // jewish, gay and annoying 22 year old

Usually knitting, crocheting or reading. Or all of the above at once.

previously gavi@babka.social & gavi@toot.foundation

this is for friend connection, hobbies and stuff. for more serious/political stuff follow me on firefish @gabe

interru @interru@our-town.social

Software developer, Linux user, Brony (obviously) #nobot

Makes cute horse noises about:
#pony, #mlp, #FLOSS, #linux, #technology,
sometimes #photography and other various stuff

Banner by @FeatherBloom@equestria.social
PFP by @windykirin@equestria.social

Maxim Bazarov @0xDAB000@mastodon.social

Tim Clicks @timClicks@mastodon.nz

Data/software person with an interest in computer art and creation culture.

I like to teach software development via tutorials and videos online. I'm also the Author of Rust in Action and an unbearable Rustacean. I'm on the planet to build a better planet.