Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I write about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #WebDev.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!


(He/Him) 🇧🇷

Chat with me at https://matrix.to/#/@rafaelcaricio:caric.io


Brian Jackson @brian@graphics.social

Views are my own, but I talk about my day job at Lucasfilm’s ADG and ILM Immersive sometimes: #StarWarsTales, #VaderImmortal & #TheMandalorian.
Ended up in my best timeline. Ally

Admin for https://graphics.social

And while I run an instance around #graphics, I’ll also talk about things I love like #film, #homeautomation and #selfhosted services, #woodworking, #bbq, and #devops.

Cmdr @jaxzin on #EliteDangerous

Érico Andrei 🇧🇷 :plone: @ericof@bolha.us

🧑 Ele/dele
Empreendedor, evangelista de software livre, Juventino.
:python: Fellow da @ThePSF,
:plone: Presidente da @plone Foundation.
Posts aqui são primariamente em #pt-br, e representam apenas minhas opiniões.🖖🏻

42GB🪫 @42GB@mastodon.floe.earth

Here to talk about climate crisis, sustainability, urban gardening, bikes, creative coding, music, sound design, field recordings. he/him | ger/eng

Current focus: #tea #permacomputing #degrowth

Ankit Sharma @nezubn@sigmoid.social

Programmer | Machine Learning Engineer | Hobbyist on  platforms
#emacs #macOS #cpp #rust #python #iOS #swift #machinelearning #deeplearning #softwareengineering #mlops #nlp #llm

Edgar Cabrera @aleandros@techhub.social

MovingLake CoFounder and Coffee Enthusiast. Python and Rust dev. Diagnosed as an adult with ADHD.

Joel Wirāmu, Pauling @jwp@cloudisland.nz

Pākehā with a strong Māori bi-cultural upbringing and Identity (Ngati Ngorongo - Taranaki hapu). Engineer, Geek, Psyc/Social researcher, Red hat employee. Always have an opinion, sometimes it's worth something ;-)

Wellington, New Zealand based.

May contain #dog #cat #electronics #linux & #social #psychology

@aenertia on other things

Unless otherwise noted any original media posted here is done so on a CC:BY:SA licence


Madison @madgaffin@mastodon.social

Pixels guy. Previously: cameras for pants computers. Now: cameras for face computers. He/him.

reezy @reezy@fosstodon.org

Python, Data, Ruby, Rails, and React Dev.

Jonas Malaco @malaco@fosstodon.org

open-source maintainer of liquidctl and PyUSB · making accounting software with rust at protocubo · he/him · previously on twitter as jonasmalaco

L. Pereira :blobbybara: @lafp@cornputer.org

I'm here for bad jokes, cats, and occasionally hobby-related stuff.

I toot in both English and Português Brasileiro.

Helio Salles @Heliosalles@conversafiada.net

Dentista canhoto de Santo André, antifacista e ateu
Literatura, viagens e mergulho
Leftist dentist, atheist, living in Brazil
Literature, travel and Diving.

palaniraja @palaniraja@mastodon.social

Programmer - Mostly iOS these days (web development in the past and I am still passionate about open web)