Rafael Caricio rafaelcaricio@nullpointer.social

Open on nullpointer.social

I write software for food and enjoyment.

I write about #RustLang, #Python, #Programming, #GStreamer, #OpenSource, #Technology, #FOSS, #MechanicalKeyboards, #WebDev.

This profile is listed on #fedi22, feel free to follow!


(He/Him) 🇧🇷

Chat with me at https://matrix.to/#/@rafaelcaricio:caric.io


Doug Belshaw @dajb@social.coop

"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it." (Epictetus)


Founding member of @weareopencoop and occasional collaborator with the @bonfire project.

Admin of https://exercise.cafe and https://wao.wtf. Author/editor of @thoughtshrapnel.

Previously: @mozilla / @moodle / consultant / researcher / teacher

#OpenBadges #OpenRecognition #DigitalLiteracies #ProductiveAmbiguity

Tero Keski-Valkama @tero@rukii.net

A generalist and a technologist. #Software is my trade and #ArtificialIntelligence is my #science. I live in #Benalmádena, #Málaga, #Spain.
I post about #technology and #WorldNews.
40 years old
Pronouns: he/him
I am the admin of this tiny instance.
#DeepLearning, #IndustrialAnomalyDetection, #MachineIntelligence, #AI, #Linux, #Kubernetes, #RetroComputing, #Commodore64, #cats, #polyamory, #panpsychism, #atheism, #anarchism, #leftist, #AnarchoCommunism, #robotics, #OpenSource, #fedi22, #tfr

Marcos Pereira @marcospereira@noc.social

Lauro Moura @lauromoura@mastodon.social

WebKit developer @ Igalia | he/him

Steph @steph@fosstodon.org

🇮🇹 | Language Learner 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 | Gamer | One Step Closer

Reto @reto@pleroma.labrat.space

Interested in programming in general (I dabble in go and python mostly) and science (biology / chemistry)

Oh, and if you want to talk about fantasy books of any kind, I'm all ears.


Enable Security @enablesecurity@infosec.exchange

We talk about Offensive Real-Time Communications / VoIP and WebRTC Security

Ben Hutton @relequestual@fosstodon.org

Follower of Jesus, Dad and Husband, Geek, Techie, Programmer, Gamer, Board Games, Drummer, Music Lover, Cats. - Leading {@jsonschema}, at @getpostman

Justine Smithies @JustineSmithies@fosstodon.org

Friend, Lover, Sister, Mother & Wife
Loves cooking
Linux & Tech geek :tux:
Mobiles: #Fairphone4 #OnePlus6T #OnePlus6 #PinePhonePro :pine64:
Watch PineTime :pine64:
#ThinkPad owner :thinkpad:
Daily driver - #VoidLinux with #Qtile #Wayland :void: :terminal: :python: :vim:

micahgoulart@mastodon.cloud @micahgoulart@mastodon.cloud

node_red @node_red@mastodon.ie

Python, network automation, Pt-br as vezes, cozinhar, climate, social justice, energy, transport