CJ roguefoam@alpha.polymaths.social

Open on alpha.polymaths.social

Electrical Engineering student interested in amateur radio, foam blasters, and cinema. I post about my hobby projects and random various things at all hours of the day.

I hack hardware, play with radios, and am not sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends.

I'm neurodivergent!


Kimberly Chase (she/her) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§ @KJ7OMO@mastodon.radio

Transgender, amateur radio operator, gamer, and technology enthusiast. I'm autistic, over 21 & under 80, and a DJ (though not the best). Pronouns: she/her. This profile is mainly for amateur radio and general stuff. For gaming & more general stuff too, visit my other page at https://social.kimberlychase.com/@KimberlyMcBlaze

Jakers KJ5AMZ @kj5amz@mastodon.hams.social

Dad, nerd, FOSS fanboy. #JBDNW

I'm a new ham looking to connect and learn with other hams from around the world. Right now my reach is limited to VHF/UHF, but I'm at least using something better than a Baofeng, so give me a little credit.

Other interests include #bicycles, #gardening, #ttrpgs, #typewriters, #linux, #woodworking, and #discgolf. Proudly #ADHD/#neurodivergent, so this list is subject to change without notice.

Trans rights are human rights.

Eamon @eamon@social.coop

#PostAc (data) scientist and working parent. Interested in reproducible research methods (#r13y), #RStats, #JuliaLang, living sustainably (bicycling, walking, reducing, and reusing), being outside, and many nerdy hobbies (#TTRPG, #HamRadio).

KenWalkerQB :canada: :mstdnca: @KenWalkerQB@mstdn.ca

I am a small town BC lawyer, something I have been doing for 46 years. I live in Qualicum Beach on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The avatar is my great great grandfather James Charles William Walker ( b. Glasgow 1820 , d. South Tilley NB 1889)

#VancouverIsland #VanIsle #GPG #PGP #law #politics #CBC #wikipedia #Canada #Canadian #SalishSea #cdnpoli #canpol #uspol #exploresask #BC #QualicumBeach #BritishColumbia #bcpoli #ubi

Cale @K4HCK@mastodon.radio

Tennessee Ham. Publisher of Amateur Radio Weekly.

Product Manager in the tech industry by day.

Low Quality Facts @lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.

Alan VK3XE @vk3xe@mastodon.hams.social

Relatively new ham. Portable ops is my jam. Starting to get the hang of CW, sometimes GLAARG VE (as N3TJ), and interested in tinkering and building. Mod for mastodon.hams.social. Friend of blahaj

N3VEM @N3VEM@mastodon.radio

Ham radio op N3VEM. Into HF mostly, but also run a repeater, and dabble with rockets a little bit as a cross-over hobby.

#UnitarianUniversalist - Respecter of the living web & justice is for everyone.

Ask me why I don’t own a microwave.

I have a day job, but it's not what defines me - I'd rather talk about #HamRadio, #ModelRockets, #SocialJustice, #Electronics, #DIY, #Making or anything else you are passionate about.

Might swear a little when angry. Sorry.

kitkat @kitkat@defcon.social

Badass Hacker Chick

Josh :Polymaths: @jlwthejobber@alpha.polymaths.social

Bro-dad, tech tinkerer, SBC enthusiast, caffeine addict, amateur handyman, and overall okayish dude


Dan KB6NU @kb6nu@mastodon.radio

Long-time ham, CW operator, #hamradio blogger (KB6NU.Com), author of the "No Nonsense" amateur radio license study guides. I used to be:

- Communications Manager for Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC),
- Freelance writer and editor,
- Website developer,
- Technical Editor for Test&Measurement World magazine,
- Electronics test engineer.

I enjoy all kinds of #hamradio activities, but my favorite thing to do is operate CW, Second would be teaching ham classes.

RadioRocket πŸš€ @RadioRocket@mastodon.hams.social

I'm a Rocket!

My ham radio interests revolve mostly around packet modes - specifically APRS (where I go by N3VEM-11) and 70cm LoRa.

In addition to radio, I really like telemetry, ammonium perchlorate, wide open spaces, anything written by Newton, and getting high.

(*disclaimer* I'm not REALLY a rocket - just a person pretending to be one)