
Open on

Developer living in Larvik, Norway. Co-owner of the cyber security business @skyfritt (translates to 'cloudless'). #linux #FOSS #infosec #drugpolicy

This is my English / international fediverse account. My other accounts:

- @ruben (Norwegian)
- @ruben_nl (Dutch)



Computer Engineer and Tech geek. Tooting in Norwegian and English. For the bep-bop's: #nobot #noindex #nosearch

Jack of all trades

I'm here to learn about the world.

I post about politics, climate change, economics, philosophy, being a father, programming, games, and more.


Computer Science student & Linux nerd. Mainly here to lurk and learn from smarter people.

Martin Larsson

Tycker om kaffe, biskvier och katter. Jobbar med administration/förvaltning av system på högskola. Tidigare gymnasielärare. Lyssnar på bra musik och spelar roliga spel.

Allt kommer att bli bra.


#Security consultant | #Hacker | Loud proclaimer of #privacy | #dungeonsanddragons GM for life | #Linux enthusiast | #infosec | #fedi22 | | #foss | Praise the code

Laurens Hof

I write the Fediverse Report, a news site about what is happening in the fediverse.

This is my personal account, where I share and comment on anything I find interesting.

#tech / #cryptoskeptics / #climate / #socialjustice / #boardgames / #dnd / #cats / #bouldering

He/him. From the Netherlands

Cat in profile picture is my owner.


Concepts of an account

Han der søppel-fyren.

Free software/standards and federation advocate since and before/beyond.

Posts in Norwegian and English.

Linux. Green party. Freeganism. Solarpunk. Midtermism. Ethical culture movement. Library socialism. Cooperatives.

Older toots available at @forteller æt octodon.


software engineer building the future @ 🔨

previously eng @ lyft, flipboard, apple, stumbleupon

It's my contention that existence, the physical universe, is basically playful - alan watts

👨‍💻 #opensource #ml #webgl #llm #activitypub #fediverse #forgejo #frontend #intp

Erik Jonker

Civil servant fromthe Netherlands, fascinated by innovative technologies and how they can improve society. Not fully migrated yet from twitter: All opinions expressed are purely personal and do not represent the opinion of my employer or anyone else.
#digitalgovernment #innovation #digitaltransformation #AI #technology
#tfr tootfinder #ICT #IT #fedi22 #geopolitics

Tom Etty

🇬🇧 #privacy #climatecrisis #politics #journalism and other things. 
Toots and boosts in #Dutch and #English. When I am on here I boost a lot. Feel free to disable boosts.

🇳🇱 #privacy #klimaatcrisis #politiek #journalistiek en andere dingen.
Toots en boosts in #Nederlands en #Engels. Wanneer ik hier ben boost ik veel. Voel je vrij om boosts uit te zetten.

#nobot #noindex #nosearch

Ben Sahlmueller

Polymath by education, amateur by choice.

Background: #Mathematics, #Physics, #Psychology
More: #Photography, #Music, #Doublebass, #Art, #Philosophy, #Books, #Writing, #AI
Politics: Classic liberal
Places: 🇹🇼🇩🇪🇪🇺🌐

I am mostly here to chat about the open society and its enemies. I will also share photos at times.