Saiful H. -- a.ka s4if

Open on

Warga Negara: #Indonesia
Pekerjaan Utama: Guru
Pekerjaan Sampingan: #Programmer
Domisili: #Magelang
Hobi: Ngoprek #Linux
Akun Inggris: @s4if
Akun Backup: @s4if
[ I am searchable by tfr ]

*ps: foto profil diambil sekitar 9 tahun yang lalu.. XD


William Andrew Conna

I am #Catholic
from #Indonesia 🇮🇩
@cindytipal husband 💍💒
#linux user and his world is #opensource 👨‍💻

Fans Tabligh

Laa Ilaaha Illalloh
Muhammadar rosululloh

Taufik Hidayat

Junior Back-end Developer - FOSS and Linux Enthusiast

Taufik Hidayat :bc:

Junior Back End Developer - Computer Science Student - Free/Libre and Open Source Software Enthusiast - GNU/Linux Nerd


One touch & I'll ignite 🌟

Yokri :verified:

Alloh Kuasa Makhluk Tak Kuasa
Dunia keperluan Akhirat Tujuan

Ivan Achlaqullah

Programmer & hobbyist artist. Speaks EN/ID


Kucing Jantan :verified420:

Pelarian Twitter

Ronald Nababan

Tech, Indonesia, and randomness.

iby :verified_blobcat:



We are who we are.