
Open on

I'm a serial hobbyist, trying to have as much fun as I can, Some things I find stupid, and I probably will tell you, but I try not to be a dick about it, mostly I do manage that.

Some things I do like:
- Programming
- Shorthand
- Retrogames
- Indiegames
- Pen and paper puzzles

Some things I don't:
- Bloat
- Intolerance
- Replyguys



:arch: :kde: 🇧🇪

Standard-issue linux FOSS nerd.

Somehow obtained a PhD in physics and ended up in the micro-electronics industry.

In my spare time, I'm the lead developer of Kasts, a convergent podcast player which is a part of plasma mobile gear.

Also enjoys (guitar) music and into (very) amateur astronomy.

Protagonist Pig

Hi there! As a tulpa, I don't actually exist but you're really reading this anyway.

Linux sysadmin and DevOps engineer by trade, ask me job-related things! Using Linux seriously since 1998. Hopefully not a techbro. I will scare you with infosec talk.

Old posts are deleted after 30 days.

Anarchist (think Chomsky and Graeber), but not deeply knowledgeable about it. Trans rights are human rights. Black lives matter.

I just want to hang out and pleasantly chat. I am pro-CW. New followers are very welcome, whether I know you or not!

He/him. 40's. Asexual; I will not flirt with you.

Not actually into magick, in spite of the handle.

fedops 💙💛

My name is Mark, self-confessed hermit misanthrope. I'm #childfree, interested in #foss, #privacy, #selfhosting, #hiking, #gardening, #nature #conservancy. My background is Unix and Linux sysadmin for 30 years, industrial OT security for the past 10. I'm also a forest smallholder.

Please fill in your bio before following.

"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." - The Dalai Lama

Avatar: ASR coat of arms by Joe Creighton.

Floppy 💾

Inclusion, against-isms, FOSS, decentralisation, self-hosting, privacy, diy, art, and other things. The occaisonal meme, shower thought, or silly post.

Please check my recent posts to get an idea of the stuff I post about.

Mental health matters. Take care of yourself.

SFW, will CW. they/them, he/him is okay.

Always up for a chat! :)

I strive to be mindful and empathic, but I may not always succeed. If I mess up, please tell me and allow me to learn.

Josh :Polymaths:

Bro-dad, tech tinkerer, SBC enthusiast, caffeine addict, amateur handyman, and overall okayish dude


Serge Matveenko ♻️☮️Ⓐ

IT pragmatist · FLOSS advocate · Software Developer @ Pydantic · Opinions are my own · :python: :rust: :dartlang: :golang:


I love drag, wealth redistribution, bops, and retro gaming. Non-binary, AuDHD, and kind of a bitch. My opinions are always improving.


Thinks he can do #Linux. 

Currently #VoidLinux & #Sway
Always has a testingdevice: Currently #OpenSuse #Tumbleweed & #Gnome
Likes #smarthome [#HomeAssistant]
Guilty pleasure: #Reactionvideos
Interested in Security.

Pietro Peterlongo

Data Scientist. Python. Nim! 👑 here to follow tech and post in English. To follow Italy and post in Italian find me on (he/him)

Codex ☯️♈☮

Hello Fediverse! I'm Chris and I'm a gamer, painter, programmer, occasional shaman, and #NOLA til I die!


Boost early, boost often I say, if it looks interesting!

Unengaging posts are auto-deleted after 3 months.

#NewOrleans #Saints #Pelicans #PCGaming #Doom #RetroGaming #TTRPG #BoardGames #Artstodon #Painter #OilPainting #RustDev #TypeScriptDev #CSharpDev #SoftwareArchitect #SoftwareEngineer #tarot #iching #yijing #aries

Dave :steamdeck:

Tech enthusiast, sometimes creative, usually tired. I like playing video games, comic books, and sleep. I'm just a nerd.

"Cake is eternal" - Ensign Tilly, Star Trek:Discovery


Dyslexic Artist, Programmer and Content Creator from the UK. 🇬🇧

**!Commissions Closed!**
Art Account: @orbitalmartian