
Open on

I'm a serial hobbyist, trying to have as much fun as I can, Some things I find stupid, and I probably will tell you, but I try not to be a dick about it, mostly I do manage that.

Some things I do like:
- Programming
- Shorthand
- Retrogames
- Indiegames
- Pen and paper puzzles

Some things I don't:
- Bloat
- Intolerance
- Replyguys



Ivrig hobby fotograf fra Trøndelag 🤗🇧🇻


:arch: :kde: 🇧🇪

Standard-issue linux FOSS nerd.

Somehow obtained a PhD in physics and ended up in the micro-electronics industry.

In my spare time, I'm the lead developer of Kasts, a convergent podcast player which is a part of plasma mobile gear.

Also enjoys (guitar) music and into (very) amateur astronomy.

Paul Wilde :dontpanic2: :smeghead:

Thought I'd give this GtS thing a go, arguably on a better domain name than my main account at @paul - I'll probably use both accounts for the timebeing...

Dog owner
Cat owner (multiple)
FOSS Enthusiast
IT Professional
Coffee, no milk, no sugar

I do a lot of stuff. Some of the stuff I upload to a git repos like these ones :

Creator of Nemini - A simple Gemini service with virtual host and alias support

Full Disclosure:
I am someone that loves to help others out - if you have questions, ask!
I do, however, sometimes have strong opinions on software.
If you follow me, great! Thanks! But just know I probably won't follow back if you have no picture, bio or posts in your profile.
If you use any kind of hashtag referring to imaginary internet money scams, then I'm probably going to mute and/or block you.

I make no apologies for using H2G2 puns. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

Explorer of 🌏. Born in 🇺🇸. 🇪🇪 e-Resident. Living in 🇰🇷. Serial entrepreneur.

Current work:

Cofounder @stadiamaps (making :osm: more accessible)

Partner @ Funktional OÜ (mobile, distributed systems, and consulting)

VP of Internal Communications @ EERICA (decentralised chamber of commerce)

Motto: Fragen Sie nicht warum, fragen Sie "warum nicht".

Interests too broad to fit in a bio.


Technology enthusiast specializing in Azure, Software Architecture, Internet of Things, Web Apps, C# and DotNet Core. Likes Cats and Beer.

Josh :Polymaths:

Bro-dad, tech tinkerer, SBC enthusiast, caffeine addict, amateur handyman, and overall okayish dude


Garrit 🏃‍♂️👟

Certified Cloud-Plumber.

.yaml > .yml

Low Quality Facts

Low Quality Facts written in arguably lower quality handwriting.


"Pretty soon, the hippies of today will be the squares of tomorrow." —Buck 65

Professor who listens to music and likes somewhat geeky things | Fan de musique et prof de grandes écoles qui aime les trucs un peu geeky

#foss #rouen
#novascotia #openstreetmap


If it ain't broke, I'll rewrite it anyway.

* Enthusiast of all things #technology, #privacy, and #opensource
* Keen on #software that values the importance of open source solutions
* Always exploring new and innovative ways to enhance online privacy and security
* Strong believer in the importance of user privacy and control

#linux #foss


傻逼 :thisisfine:

Mathematician with dyscalculia, ✨queer✨

Dipping my toes into threat hunting and reverse engineering


ACAB (all computers are broken)

Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile.

Nicht der Bundesparteivorsitzende der SPÖ (soweit aktuell bekannt)

Favourite tools:
- Linux ; i used slackware btw.
- OpenSCAD
- Prusa(Slicer|Printer)
- Rust, Python, C

I "fix" electronics for fun.
I am a oneway timetraveller.

Neurospicy human living the life currently in Austria

Of course Antifascist.

Your boss paid for my opinions.
The things I say and do are political.